This character is an NPC.



Ubak Gunika (Sorceress)

Tae'Nah Yatèara (Amazon Protectoress)

Daughter of Deondrae - Sister to Deoris

Domaris is the sister Deoris never knew she had. She reappeared in the tribe when Deoris was 24 and beginning her journey into true womanhood.

Domaris has several dwellings. She lives in Themiscyra in the hut with her sister. In addition, she has a hidden cave dwelling in the hills near Themiscyra. She also maintains an estate in Troy.

A sorceress, she is mysterious and powerful. She doesn't seem to age and appears to be younger than Deoris, although she is 12 years her senior. Her powers include scrying, knowing where any Amazon is just by concentrating on them, teleportation and the temporary stopping of time. She can also conjure.

Currently she is on an adventure to find Cassia.

Tae'Nah Created By: Deoris


Xena Warrior Princess is  © Studios USA, Universal City Studios, Inc. Webset design and content ©2007 Crescent Designs for Themiscyra Amazon Nation. Many thanks to Mike's Xena Page for most of the captures.