
The daughter of a wealthy Persian noble, Anaita enjoyed a pleasant childhood. Reserved but precocious, she was well loved by her tutors. At the age of twelve, she had the honor of being sent to serve at the temple of her name-sake, the goddess Anahita. During her years at the temple, she learned much from the Mage Priests and participated in the fertility rituals that were her main function there. When her service ended, she was married to another wealthy Persian noble whom was to serve as a dignitary in Athens.

While there was no love between she and her husband, Anaita was not unhappy. He left her alone often, which lent her time to explore and adapt to her new surroundings. She’d barely time to learn the Grecian language, however, before she witnessed his assassination. Unnoticed in the adjoining room, the scene caused her no sorrow or fear. Instead, a deep curiosity overtook her. She followed the killer, which resulted in being captured and questioned by the organization to which he belonged.

Determining her to be daft but not without use, the opportunistic leader propositioned Anaita. Alone in a foreign country (having yet to be introduced formally to anyone in particular), and uncertain she necessarily wished to return to Persia- Anaita agreed.

Her broad education and experience from the temple made it easy for her to be installed as a Hetaera. She entertained a rich clientele, both male and female. Using her position and skill, she obtained valuable information to be used by the organization. Her knowledge of herbs allowed her to heighten her clients experience, loosen their tongues, and even occasionally send them to their graves without ever drawing suspicion.

If she were to be perfectly frank, Anaita enjoyed her work. She enjoyed exploring people, and in her position she had access to every sort. From self-made merchant, to politicians, to their wives, and once in her bed they would spill from their roles, laid bare as their skin.

While never touching or being touched by her, even the other members of the organization were not beneath her interest or scrutiny. It was among these that she would cross paths with Valenthia. Unlike the others, the girl was neither full of blood lust nor a jaded mercenary. Her face was that of someone who smiled often, and yet her eyes belied a grim determination. The two formed an amiable though tentative friendship, but it was short lived.

For Valenthia disappeared. That disappearance would precede a series of events leading Anaita toward Themiscyra.

Anaita is 5’2”, with thick black hair midway down her back, and warm brown eyes. Her olive complexioned features are distinctly Persian. Though soft from a life of leisure, she still maintains a great deal of stamina. When she arrives in Themiscyra, her charm, sharp mind, and education are her only weapons. Her facility with poison and herb-lore are the only skills that could be considered truly deadly. She speaks Greek conversationally, but she doesn’t always do it perfectly. Naturally, she also speaks fluently in the tongue of her homeland. Accustomed to a more gentle life-style, Anaita may sometimes appear petulant or haughty, though never intentionally condescending. When it comes to the details and tasks of every day living, she has a lot to learn. Anahita is still the name she whispers when moved to prayer, and her totem animal is the ermine.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche: 28 January 2012



Xena Warrior Princess is  © Studios USA, Universal City Studios, Inc. Webset design and content ©2007 Crescent Designs for Themiscyra Amazon Nation. Many thanks to Mike's Xena Page for most of the captures.