Themiscyra's Codes of Honor

Courage & Love
In Themiscyra, Courage & Love are the core pillars for every Amazon.
I may feel fear, but I'll never allow fear to paralyze Love from showing me how best to follow my heart.
*Self Love & Discovery*
In Themiscyra, each Amazon dedicates her life to self-discovery and self-love.
Through daily dedication to self-love and self-discovery practice, I will meet myself again and again.
When I truly know herself and wholly accept who I am, I can fully embrace all I have to offer.
*Discipline & Training*
In Themiscyra, Amazons commit their lives to learning and developing through discipline and passionate pursuit of education and training.
I train hard, work hard, and play hard; because I recognize the skills I acquire and efforts I exert can make or break my village and Sisterhood.
*Compassion & Choice*
In Themiscyra, Amazons know their greatest power comes from their emotions, and this power is our greatest responsibility.
I choose to walk outside the Amazon world and engage with men and women from all walks of life; and my Amazon strength is borne from a compassionate community that’s shown me the responsibility of my choices in how I interact with those outside the village.
I choose to help those in need to the fullest extent of my abilities.
*Tradition & History*
In Themiscyra, Amazons honor our ancestral traditions while retaining open minds and open hearts, that we may evolve our customs while we live through changing stories.
I honor my tribe’s Amazon customs and traditions while recognizing that our Amazon history continues to flourish only with our enduring willingness to expand and grow with the world.
*Honesty & Authenticity*
In Themiscyra, each Amazon is valued as true to her word, because without honesty and trust, the tribe fails and falls.
I protect my tribe by honoring myself and my Amazon Sisters when I live as close to my authentic self as possible and practice honesty in my daily life.