The Themiscryan Forum


Instructions for registering at Free Forums


Click the blue link above that says "The Themiscyran Forum". This will take you to Free Forums. The URL is: Please bookmark or save this. It's where we spend most of our time together.


In order to read and unlock the forums, you must register and be approved. To register, follow these simple steps. Follow the RED arrows and instructions in the following set of pictures. (Thanks to Paidi for the pictures!)



This is the page you see when you click the link. Click on "REGISTER" if this is your first visit to the forums. This new window opens, asking if you are old enough to join our forum.



Click the left button.


You are then asked to agree to our terms of service. These are standard for all the forums at Free Forums.



Press the left button to agree. Now you have to answer a bunch of other questions. While some of these answers can be seen by Deoris, no other member of the tribe can see them. Nobody can see your password except for you.




EVERYTHING MUST BE FILLED OUT. If you miss something, it will not let you submit.




Once all fields, and the confirmation number, are entered, you can hit "SUBMIT".



These are just advertising. Click "NO" and hit "SUBMIT" to continue.



Once you hit submit, you'll return to the standard screen you first saw. It's like a giant circle. You are NOT automatically approved. Deoris will approve you as soon as she can. Once she does, you should receive an email saying you have been approved.


Once approved, you'll return to this screen again and log in. If look above you'll see you can log in...which I've shown in a close up below.



Enter your username and password. If you click the little button following "log me on automatically each visit" you should log in automatically next time you visit. Doesn't always work, but it can.


The forum looks kind of like this:



You can change and customize it yourself by click on "User Control Panel" and get different backgrounds and colors. The forum is divided into sections as you can kind of see here. I recommend visiting the "Tamboo" forum where a welcome post has been created for you.


Don't be afraid to ask your First Sister for help. That's what she's there for. She's been around and she knows how to show you how to get around.


Welcome to the forum and to the tribe!


Latra Deoris




Xena Warrior Princess is  © Studios USA, Universal City Studios, Inc. Webset design and content ©2010 Crescent Designs for Themiscyra Amazon Nation. Many thanks to Mike's Xena Page for most of the captures.