Quilla (Archer)
The Amazon, Bellanca, was born and raised in Germania in a village that would eventually be named Nuremberg in later history. For the most part of her upbringing, she led an uneventful life with her family who were well known hunters in the realm of the Franks who were one of the many tribes who originally migrated south to Germania from the lands of Scandinavia. Some of the other tribes were the Goths, the Vandals, and the Saxons.
By having her father and two brothers as hunters for some of the village denizens, Bellanca was able to learn the use of a few weapons and skills that many hunters used. Of course, she wasn’t allowed to accompany the family males during their hunts, but Bellanca often struck out on her own in the dense forests that near surrounded the would-be Nuremberg.
As it was said earlier, this Frankish young woman led an uneventful life... that is until Julius Caesar initiated the first contact with the German people. He was the first person to take an interest in Germania. This contact came during the Gallic Wars in 58 BC when he put an end to the power of the German tribes in Alsace. In 55 BC he crossed the Rhine to persuade the Germans not to interfere with the war in Gaul. He crossed the Rhine a final time in 55 BC to relieve himself of the pressure from the rebelling Gauls. Other than these few contacts with Caesar, the Romans left the Germans pretty much in peace. That is, after the Romans had killed many of the tribal peoples east of the Rhine River.
This so-called ‘invasion’ of Caesar was just enough to frighten some of the Germania tribespeople to leave their homes.
Bellanca’s family spilt apart. Although the Romans had not reached their land, the horror stories by word of mouth did. Bellanca was 24 and somewhat of a tom-boy, so she decided to let her family go their own way and she would go hers. Nuremberg had importance due to its location on key trade routes. The young woman used this to her advantage by signing on as a huntress to a caravan heading southeast.
However, after two years of killing animals for food, the Germanic woman began to feel remorse in her hunting after finding a litter of baby rabbits which were destined to die of hunger because she had just put an arrow through their mother’s neck.
Bellanca’s journeys took her two years, but she eventually found her way to the southern shore of the Black Sea and into Asia Minor, to the land of the Themiscyran Amazons that she had heard stories about.
Bellanca is a 5ft 8in brunette with straight to wavy shoulder-length hair. Her greenish-aqua eyes and ultra-smooth complexion make her look very pretty. She weighs about 130 lbs and is lithe in a medium body with just the correct amount of sexy curves. She’s now 26 years of age. Bellanca’s totems are the Elk and the Musk Ox.
Bellanca doesn’t really hunt anymore, but would rather make and repair arrows during times of peace. Of course, she’ll do other domestic tasks as well, like being a tower guard since she’s so good with a bow. In times of war though, Bellanca is a war archer and has killed quite a few enemy.
When Leinsata Valkyra was in Themiscyra, she gave Bellanca a war horse that is a pure Asil Arabian stallion that came from Khuzestan. This horse has developed the high spirit and alertness needed in a steed that is used for raiding and war. This strain is a favorite of the Bedouin... and now a favorite of the Amazon, Bellanca.

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