Hyrisa Liminia

Alogosida (Cavalry Rider)

Hyrisa stands at 5’ 8” with dark brown eyes and long dark brown nearly black hair. She can generally can be seen in dark outfits, with leather fittings.  

Hyrisa grew up in a sister tribe where her mother was a royal guard, her aunt was a livestock co-ordinator and her grandmother was a cook. Her mother had tried to choose what Hyrisa should do since she became old enough to train. She tried to gear her daughter toward becoming a guard, however, Hyrisa was drawn towards cavalry.  Going against the wishes of her mother, Hyrisa trained with the riders moved up in rank to join some of her more talented sisters in the cavalry.

One day her grandmother needed a convoy to go out to next town over to acquire food that their local hunting grounds or gardens could not provide for them and she asked Hyrisa to lead the troupe.  On the journey, she met Kiva, a Themiscyran returning hom e from Nok’Tana. The woman asked to join Hyrisa's troupe and visit their village. Hyrisa agreed and Kiva ended up staying there for several moons. She became homesick eventually and asked Hyrisa to return with her to Themiscyra. Hyrisa agreed.

She left her mount, Cavara, who was getting on in age, with her sisters, fearing that the horse would not make the journey. She knew her mount would be safe there and used for training the smallest of Amazons. With that, she bade her grandmother and mother farewell and she and Kiva returned to Themiscyra.

Hyrisa settled into Themiscyra pretty well with the help of Kiva and her friend Sabra. She tried her hand at several things but finally settled on helping with building things around the village. She was happy and enjoyed her new life.

The warlord Radicus attacked Themiscyra and Kiva lost her life, leaving Hyrisa distraught and in a deep state of depression. Sabra helped her through and encouraged her to try to find her place within the village without Kiva.

Tae'Nah Created By: Selena



Xena Warrior Princess is  © Studios USA, Universal City Studios, Inc. Webset design and content ©2007 Crescent Designs for Themiscyra Amazon Nation. Many thanks to Mike's Xena Page for most of the captures.