Sorceress Empress
Jade Emerald
Lyna of Themiscyra (Regent)
Daughter of Arleia and Pankos
Sister to Callisto

Jadea is the younger sister of Callisto, also known as Warrior Queen of Cirra. When they were children, Cirra was attacked by an outlaw Amazon Queen and her band of renegade warriors. During the chaos of battle and death, young Callisto tried valiantly to protect her little sister. She was no match for the fierce strength and power of the rogue Amazon warriors. Forcibly separated, Callisto screamed helplessly for aid that did not come.
Fearing the worst possible fate awaited her, Callisto’s will to survive surpassed her despair and she killed for the first time. When the entire siege had ended, her little sister, Jadea, was nowhere to be found. Decimated by the loss of her family, her home, and the life she knew, Callisto vowed to never feel powerless again.
Over time, Callisto re-built Cirra into a fortress home for herself and her army of warriors/bandits.
Jadea’s fate landed in the care of a beautiful and mysterious red-haired witch named, Maeveis, who took the child all the way to the Isles of Celcia. There, Jadea became Maeveis’ apprentice and learned of her own magical powers and trained in how to effectively use them. Over time, as Jadea’s craft grew stronger and larger- so did her reputation and talent for causing random surprises.
Known well to The Highland Amazon tribe, located in the heart of the Isles of Celcia, Maeveis left a young Jadea to be trained in the arts of physical combat, learning how to use various mortal weapons to disable her opponents. Adopted as one of their own, Jadea found some peace and stability for herself while living among the Celtic Amazons.
That all would change when word reached her of Maeveis’ death- at the hands of an unnamed blonde warlord.
Accompanied by her guardian hawk, Ardra, Jadea left the Highland Amazons in a quest for truth and justice. She traveled extensively, picking up skills, information, and supplies. Her unique applications for magic attracted the attentions of many an influential party; but even encounters with gods and goddesses couldn’t dissuade her from her mission to find Maeveis’ killer.
Along the way, Jadea learned of the prophecy of a “Sorceress Empress”. According to the ancient and magical scroll, the prophecy claimed an artifact called the sha’shanka stone could give the Sorceress Empress power vast enough to unite and lead all sorcerers, sorceresses, and magicians. Bolstered by this newly found nugget of magical news, Jadea dispatched her guardian hawk back to the troops she led.
Ardra loyally returned, bringing a shocking message for her Mistress:
Callisto was actually alive…and had been amassing a reputation for being the enemy of Amazon tribes.
Jadea agonized over her loyalty to Maeveis and her desire for a reunion with her sister. Inevitably, she chose to pursue a path she believed lead towards them both.
In her heart, Jadea was troubled and almost skeptical about Maeveis’ demise. Following her arrow lead her straight to the revelation that her mentor had elaborately arranged for her protégé to become the new Sorceress Empress. This put into motion Jadea's arrival in Themiscyra, her choice to adopt an Amazon orphan, and eventually her pursuit of the sha'shanka stone.
During the voyage she embarked on for the sha’shanka stone, Jadea met with a formidable foe that alarmingly caught her at a disadvantage. The epic battle resulted in a disoriented Jadea returning to Themiscyra…a little different.
When she’s of her whole and sound mind, Jadea possesses many magical powers and is considered the strongest wielder of magic in the Amazon world, to whom she is described as both friendly and formidable. Though she uses her powers at her own discretion, Jadea often relies upon fireballs and enchanted mortal weapons. She enjoys turning herself into other living creatures or changing her physical appearance and wardrobe with her moods. Considered by most a random and magical ally, Jadea continues to protect and provide for the Amazon Nation.
She is, however, currently without all of her memory. Consequently, she isn’t aware of actually having magical powers. This has presented some unique challenges for Latra Deoris and her Amazons of Themiscyra.
Jadea's totems are the white tiger and the red-tailed hawk. She's often seen with Ardra, who is both a spirit guide and a physical hawk that follows, speaks mentally to Jadea, and can share her sight with her owner.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche: 10 November 2000