There was always a sense of remiss around
Amony, that would seemingly become infectious to all who were in
her presence. She had the ability to talk any one out of their
duties for a trip down to the beach, an exploration of the inner
island jungle, or even a swim at the waterfall. She had always
been somewhat of a trouble maker as a child and the older she got
the more it became apparent that she was going to challenge
everything thrown her way.
That isn't to say this is a bad thing, for her
own mother was that way when she was a child and that desire to
let no one restrict her is what gave her the ingenuity to build up
the tribe on the Echinade Island. However, little Amony was giving
her mother a far more difficult time in focusing all this
rebellious energy into improving on her lessons. This was
something of concern because it brought up questions of her future
ability to one day oversee council in the tribe.
Amony at thirteen summers had no intention of
doing such a thing anyway. She didn't want to be tied down to this
island and her tribe forever. She wanted to see the world, so in
her mind it didn't matter how she acted because she wasn't going
to be here long enough to ever apply the lessons taught. How could
she ever have known that very soon, only one moon cycle away,
she would need these skills more than ever to survive the most
horrifying event of her life?
She had decided to ride down to the beach
alone on that day, and ended up circling the whole island as she
lost herself in thoughts of traveling by boat to the mainland. As
she came up to the trail that would lead back to the village she
spotted two tall ships anchored off the coast, and ten small boats
resting on shore. The tall ships both had a black flag off their
mainsail, pirates.
She gave a yell and kicked her steed into a
gallop up the trail. The closer she got to the village the
stronger the smell of smoke became. She cleared the woods, her bow
now slung from her shoulder and held aloft with an arrow notched
and ready to take aim. She let fly the small yellow feathered
arrow, hitting a man in the shoulder just as he was about to bring
the butt of his blade down over the head of a fallen sister. She
gave a firm squeeze with her right leg, digging her knee into the
side of her horse to turn him about. She slid another arrow from
her quiver and prepared to fire again when she felt herself being
pulled off her mount. She hit the ground, sand and rock digging
into her face. She heard the snap of her bow and as she rolled to
her side she pulled her small hunting knife from its sheath at her
hip prepared for an attack.
She never got a chance to take a swing at her
attacker as she was knocked hard in the jaw from a muscled punch.
She felt the tang of blood swell in her mouth and as she fought
the hands that grabbed at her, a foot contacted with her side
knocking the wind from her lungs. She gagged and gasped for air as
she felt rough hands rolling her over and tying her hands behind
her back.
They weren't here to kill the amazons, they
were here to take them for slavery. As this realization hit her
she began to struggle and thrash against her attacker, but a hard
knock on the back of her head from the hilt of a sword buckled her
legs and she felt herself falling towards the sand once again. She
never felt it as her world went dark before impact with the
Over the next six years Amony would undergo a
transformation that in the end left her with a life full of
revenge and a broken spirit.
She managed to escape the slavers during the
voyage from their island with a few of her sisters, but even they
were separated. She eventually ended up in the southern coast of
Italy, roaming the ports for the pirate ship that had taken her
family from her.
It was during this year that she came upon a
sister tribe, Kleitae. They took her in, having been the victims
themselves of these same pirates before. She went back to her
training but this time with a new drive to learn, to be the best,
revenge was taking hold. She became hard and emotionless, her only
thoughts were of revenge for her lost tribe. After a couple years
with the Kleitae tribe she headed off much to the queens dismay to
continue on her search for the pirates and any of her sisters that
might still be alive.
She sailed out into the Ionian Sea on a small
vessel with a young ambitious captain at its helm who had thoughts
of becoming a pirate. Amony took advantage of his eagerness and
began learning the ropes on a ship as they sailed to Athens to
recruit more men. It was in a port there that she found one of the
pirate ships she had seen off the islands coast. She could never
forget those dark sails.
It wasn't hard to convince the young captain
that they should follow the ship out to sea and attack. He liked
the idea of taking on a second ship so quickly. The fight was
bloody with Amony at the lead. She didn't even care if the men she
dispatched had been on the ship when they attacked her tribe,
their lives balanced out for her lost sisters. She alone took out
the pirate captain and half his men. She had a blood fury that
even the men she sailed with were afraid of. She was a woman
without fear which made her very dangerous.
With a second ship and Amony now at its helm
they headed into the Aegean sea, where they had learned that the
second ship was waiting to meet up with a few newly acquired ships
to expand their fleet. The second ship proved to be a harder catch
and they spent the next two years at war with one another and all
the while they pillaged and stole from any they came across.
Amony was blind to the fact that she had
become that which she despised so much. In the end her ship and
Captain were lost to her own personal blood revenge, but
revenge she had.
When it was all over Amony found herself alone
and empty. Her revenge had left her cold and heartless. She had
spent so many years at sea killing, stealing, and hunting that she
had forgotten who she was. She sailed back to Kleita hoping
to find solace but her spirit was damaged and the tribe
unwelcoming. They had heard stories of the blood thirsty Amazon
pirate. The queen directed her towards a tribe that she
could locate off of the Black Sea by following the Thermodon
river. Would she be able to find the healing and peace that she so
desperately sought?

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
15 May 2010