
Alovasuri Quilla (Cavalry
Thoughts were racing through Marpellina's mind. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. The Romans had demolished what was left of the already broken town. She didn't look back, just ran, clutching her baby in her tired arms.
A sharp pain penetrated her shoulder. The pain was intense, but nothing could stop this mother from saving her daughter. Marpellina could hear the men's shouts gaining on her slowing pace. She stopped to catch her breath when her eyes wandered to a cave a short distance from her.
With the last of her strength she leapt across the clearing towards the cave. Laying her baby carefully to the cold cave floor she kissed her forehead for the last time. As she turned to flee, an arrow caught her in the heart, killing her. The men, thinking they had caught the escapee at last, left her body where it had fallen and returned to their leader. They knew nothing of the small bundle hidden only a few feet away.
Xylia awoke from her slumber to the bellowing cries of a child. Quickly she grabbed a torch and crept towards the cries. She was astonished to find a small baby girl wrapped tightly in sheepskin. Xylia carefully took the baby into her arms and walked deep into the cave. The cave twisted and turned, narrowed and widened until what looked like a shrine appeared. There was a beautifully crafted altar and other sacred masterpieces.
Xylia lit some candles and knelt before the altar. She raised the baby girl up to the heavens and chanted sacred songs to Artemis. She stopped smiling and laid the baby on the altar as a sign of sacrifice. Xylia promised the rest of her life to showing this newborn the way of the Amazons.
Slave traders had captured Xylia from her Amazon tribe many years ago. Sold at a slavers market as a picker of fruit, she worked for a few months at a winery in the Thracian hills. Unable to bear the lash, whip, toil and bondage, she snuck into an empty wine barrel and was taken aboard a trading vessel.
She waited as long as she could, but hunger and pain finally forced her from the barrel and the sailors caught her. She was taken before Captain Theolar, who listened to her story and agreed to put
her to shore at their next port of call. Three weeks later when they reached the city neither found they could leave the other. Declaring their love, the pair set sail and began a life together among the cities of the seas.
On a clear day, Pirates spotted the vessel and gave chase. Unable to shake them, the Captain made for nearby land
and managed to get close enough to lower a pregnant Xylia down in her own boat. Vowing to return for her and the child, he sailed away, leading the pirates away from her.
He never returned.
Xylia took refuge in a cave and as the hours turned to days and the days to weeks, she gave up all hope of ever seeing her love again. The stress of fending and foraging for herself, of creating a life without Theolar took its toll on her body, and deprived her of the child she craved.
Yet here at her doorstep was a daughter just for her. She praised the name of the Goddess and named the little bundle Amrielle.
The seasons went and as time passed, so did Xylia's strength. She was getting weaker by the days. She had caught the horse for Amrielle because in a few days she planned to send her off in search of a tribe. Though it pained her heart, she didn't want Amrielle to witness her death. She had sacrificed everything for the girl and the time was fast approaching for her to send the young Amazon out into the world to find a tribe.
One afternoon, she stumbled and fell to the ground, clutching her weakening heart. Amrielle rushed to her side. Holding the old woman, she inquired what was wrong. Xylia sat up as Amrielle jumped onto Pyrena, as she had named the red mare, to go gather some herbs. Xylia knew the time had come to send the young Amazon off into the wilderness. When Amrielle returned with the herbs in hand she was shocked to find Xylia sobbing softly.
Xylia instructed her to go and saddle her horse and return immediately. Amrielle did so obediently, but she was frightened. She had not once had she ever seen Xylia cry.
When she returned, Xylia slung two heavy saddlebags up onto the horse's back. Xylia embraced Amrielle and told her it was time for her to set out and find a family of Amazons to serve.
Amrielle broke into tears, not wanting to leave the woman's side. She asked Xylia where she would find the Amazons. Xylia looked at her smiling and began to sing the stories of Amazons as she walked slowly back to her cave.
Amrielle knew that was goodbye and mounted Pyrena slowly. She looked back
and tears fell from her eyes. Turning, she galloped off in search of a Tribe to call family and a land to call home.
Amrielle's totem is the horse. She stands just less than six feet with a buff build. Her hair is shoulder length and a deep black-blue. Her eyes are a piercing green. Along her left shoulder is a long
scar she received in a brawl with a leopard. Her favorite weapon is the bow, but she also uses the staff and sword.
Her horse is a red mare named Pyrena.
athelfi arche:
15 Jan 2004