Anicalysis was born in the city of Miletus in Greece. Her
family was borderline merchant class, owning a stable and raising
horses as an extended family (uncles, aunts and so on) and her
father and younger brother being in trade finishing weapons. She
and her mother, Artemesia, helped in the stables with the rest of
the women and her uncles and grandfather.
As she grew, Anicalysis got into trouble more and more
frequently. Unlike the other females of her class and race, she
would escape into the city and play with other children more often
than not, getting into scrapes and fighting. Her mother usually
came to reclaim her and helped to keep the gossip to a minimum,
but more and more often her father was becoming aware of her
"unnatural" tendencies.
Stories were beginning to filter their way through to the
family about her hoydenish behavior and they were beginning to
watch her more closely. Anicalysis was fast becoming frustrated
with her life. She wanted to join the army, but couldn't because
of her gender. Her outlets were becoming increasingly smaller and
shorter so that the frustration built up inside. She was too
independent and her life was so unfulfilling, she grew weary of
the obedience expected of her and the sedentary life she was
supposed to lead. She wanted to be free and not be stuck being a
wife and mother.
One day when she was sixteen, Anicalysis was accompanying her
mother and aunts to the market when an group of youths came by and
began making comments about her. To her relatives' horror, she
flew into a rage and became embroiled in a fight. Unfortunately
for her, her father happened to be nearby and ran into the fray,
dragging her home by her hair.
Once they returned to the family property, her father locked
her in her room and forced her to wait for her punishment. It
finally came at the dinner hour. Before the entire extended
family, her father branded her with a hot iron with the symbol for
a slave. After they had seared her flesh and woken her from her
pain induced faint, her grandfather informed her that they would
be locking her in her room until the morning when they would take
her to the slave market and thus out of the family forever. She
would henceforth be dead to her family.
As two of her uncles dragged her from the room, she could hear
her mother weeping. After a few hours had passed and she was
feeling more able, she waited until the last noises of the house
had died down before she snuck a dagger from under her pallet and
managed to flip the latch on the outside of her door. She had
gathered some belongings together as she waited once the sickness
and pain had subsided. Quietly making her way to the kitchen area,
she gathered some food and herbs to help with the pain and
infection before she stole into the stables.
As she passed her father and brother's workshop, she took the
time to sneak in and steal some of the finished weapons to take
with her as she didn't know how else she'd protect herself. She
finally made it to the stable where she prepared a prize gelding
and carefully led it out and down the road. Once she was away from
the house, she mounted and dug her heels into the horse's flanks
to speed it along the road.
She spent many months crossing fields and forests, avoiding
well traveled roads in order to effect her escape. After almost a
year as she was resting in an inn, she heard some men telling
stories of a tribe of women, known as Amazons, who lived without
men and were great warriors. She listened intently to the hazy
descriptions of the area of the Amazons before making her way in
the direction she thought to be correct.
Anicalysis finally reached a city called Amasia and in this
town's inn, heard a story about Amazons who had helped to free the
city of a band of Bandits. Making friends with the innkeeper's
daughters, who were her age, Anicalysis set out in the direction
given by them. She managed to get herself lost in the forest
between the River Iris and the River Thermadon and as she thrashed
through the underbrush on the edge of the Thermadon, she was
suddenly surrounded by women in masks.
Anicalysis is five feet nine inches tall and of medium build.
She has bright, sapphire blue eyes and long blonde hair. On her
right arm is the scar of the slave mark her father gave her, which
though healed continues to fester in her heart. She is a lover of
nature and wild creatures and enjoys the solitude of the night.
Ani traveled with Zia and Thalia to the Roman Amazon homeland
to defend it against the Roman Army under the new Caesar.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
19 July 2005