Kuk'Tai (Former Head Shamaness)
Paidia Chioni Elafi (Huntress, Children of
the Snow Deer)
Born to a mother who’d only known slavery, Aydar was not a
typical child for the small Amazon where she was raised.
Slaveri, her mother, was found amongst the clutter of a marauder’s
camp. Already large with child, the woman could not speak the
language of the amazons. She was a tiny woman in both size and
build. She was, perhaps as tall as a 10 year old girl. About her
left ear she wore a silver ear cuff that was etched with unknown
runes. It was not known if the cuff was hers or a mark of her
slavery, but she wore it with an almost feral pride.
Aydar’s birth was difficult for the tiny Slaveri. Any birth
of any size child would have been difficult for the tiny woman,
but the fact that she bore a child that was far from tiny made
maters worse. The village was filled with her anguished cries,
and many a woman made their prayers to Artemis to help the
newcomer with the birth. Finally, after hours of labor, Slaveri
did indeed give birth to a daughter. The midwife reckoned that
Aydar waved more then ten pounds when she was born. And though
it was no fault of hers by any means, her birthing killed the
tiny Slaveri, before she died the tiny woman removed her ear
cuff and placed it in the chubby palm of her daughter, kissed
her on the forehead and softly said her name. "Aydar."
Aydar was raised as an Amazon and learned quickly and well.
But although she was a quick study, she was shy and reticent. As
her birth attested, Aydar was a large child and continued to be
so into womanhood. Standing over six feet in height and broadly
built the young Amazon could have been a match for any Amazon in
her village and most likely any man that stumbled across them.
Her prowess with the sword was awe inspiring for someone her
size. And she, above all others in the tribe, learned the art of
wielding two swords. When she practiced the lumbering, shy,
Aydar was replaced by a graceful feline. A calm took over her as
she practiced her moves as if this was the way that she prayed
to Artemis and paid homage to the great goddess Earth Mother.
For although her tribe were amazons and followed the ways of
Artemis, they were of an old stock that also worshiped Gaia in
all her forms.
But life in the village wore on Aydar, and so when she was old
enough, she asked to be made a huntress. Normally, it was a duty
held by all of the tribe that wished, but their leader, one
called Mother, realized for the large young woman it meant
something else. And so, Aydar began a solitary life in a small
cabin in the forest. There, she would hunt and trap for the
tribe. Twice a year she’d return with her trappings and leave
them with the quarter mistress. She’d take what she needed to
replenish her meager stores and would then return to her life in
the forest.
And so she lived for 40 years until one summer, but that is
another story.
Aydar is about six foot, with very short brown hair and blue
eyes. She wears a small, silver ear cuff on her left ear and a
silver arrow head talisman around her neck, which mark her
status as a huntress with her tribe.
Like all women of her village she was marked with her totem
when she became a woman and so she has the tattoo of a falcon in
flight on the back of her left shoulder.

Tae'Nah athelfi
arche: 8 April 2003