
When Chou was born, she had a twin sister named, Yuki (You-key). They were identical and stayed together, never apart. It would be this tie to each other that would spell their doom.
The girls were descended from a race of celestial beings known as the Tennyo (Ten-yo) who were legendary in Japan and known as the 'Heavenly Maidens'. These were ethereal beings who flew through the heavens garbed in their feather robes known as Hamagoros (Ha-ma-go-ro). They gravitate to the earth to dwell among humans, usually for the purpose of finding mates to give them children and return to the skies once more with the new additions to the family. Both Chou and her twin were the offspring of such a union. Chou and her sister partially grew up in a village with their father.
During an unfortunate accident, Chou fell from the sky one day and twisted her leg terribly. This made her permanently lame in her leg left.
Chou comes to the area of Themiscrya a broken and flightless Tennin. Having escaped a terrifying ritual that had increased her powers but in turn lost her her twin sister. Thus, she was traumatized.
Chou likes the woods and the peaceful solitude it provides. The song of birds and the sound of running water. She likes to stare out into nothingness and simply think, contemplating things without words. She enjoys music and gentle things.
She dislikes the solitude of darkness. The dark frightens her and reminds her of the terrible past.
Chou's choice of weapon is the bladed fan called Tessen. With a metal structure and thin sharp blades, like daggers, along the outside edges. when folded closed, both are about two and a half feet long and are usually used for defense but may also be used for offensive moves. Chou has these weapons but as no knowledge of how to use them. She came across them as she escaped overseas from Japan through China and wandered
across the world to end up in Themiscyra, tattered and dirty and bruised in body and spirit with no memory of her past.
Chou is about 18-19 years old, small in stature with long hair down to her ankles. She is Japanese and quite pretty. She now has a feature which represents her having lost a piece of herself; half of her hair is white
and she has one white eye. Her expression is generally forlorn and
thoughtful, if not weary. She walks with a limp in her left leg, which becomes quite the hindrance at times.
Chou is a very sorrowful
character, having suffered both horror and tragedy. She is a traumatized woman. She is always looking behind her at things others can't see.
Yet, no matter how broken her spirit may be, it hasn't yielded, or she would have perished long ago. Chou is kind hearted, loving and doesn't like violence or death.
Chou's totems are the blackbird and the butterfly.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
6 March 2005