Ronate Verlisi (Royal
Cin is 23 years old, about six feet tall, with a muscular heavyset
frame. Her hair is auburn with golden highlights, and it falls to just
below her shoulder blades. She has hazel eyes with blue flecks and has a
very dark ring around the iris. Her nose is smallish, but her lips are red
and full. She inherited her father’s strong jaw and her mother’s
She dresses for comfort and for practicality, but knows that looking
good never hurt anyone. She prefers wearing pants to dresses and her
everyday attire is a pair of tight fitting black leather pants with a red
stripe down the side. She has a well-toned body which she likes to show
off, so her everyday shirt is a small, black crop top. The muscles of her
arms are enhanced with upper armbands and lower arm gauntlets. When it's
cold, she pulls on an ankle length, black leather coat.
Her family unit was small and tight. There was her mother, her father
and her older sister, Heleh.
Cin never got along with her sister, Heleh. She never approved of her
wild and boyish ways, and was always trying to bring her back to doing
womanly duties. She failed miserably.
Her father was more open-minded and trained Cin in the art of butchery.
Her father discovered that she had a natural talent wielding the double
axe and sword, and trained her in both. Impressed with how well she
learned, he moved on to the crossbow, honing her skills until they were
unrivaled. Since he had no sons, he also trained her to be a fletcher.
When she was ten, he had her apprenticed to the town armourer.
Her entrance to Themiscyra remains somewhat of a mystery. She was found
beside the Thermadon River - wet, cold, and close to death. A scout took
me into the village where I was nursed back to health.
While she has full recollection of her family and childhood, there is
nothing about how she fell in the river. She remembers going fishing with
her father and that they were both startled by a noise coming from the
woods behind them. Everything went blank after that. She’s not even sure
in which direction her home was, or how far down the river she came to be
in Themiscyra.
She found the tribe to her liking and has remained, rising through the
ranks to become one of the Lyna’s Personal Guard. Her totem is the Sun
bear. She rides a gray gelding named Arnu.
Cin is currently serving Themiscyra as the Lyna's Personal Guard.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche: 10
April 2002