Sister to Antonius
Elina grew up in the region of Pompeiopolis, not far from
Themiscyra. She was raised in a wealthy family and was educated in
language, history, medicine, arithmetic, and domestic affairs. Her
mother died in labor, but her father was a doctor and raised her
in knowledge of herbs and cures of ailments. Her older brother
Antonius, a soldier in the Roman army, taught Elina how to use a
sword, a skill he never expected her to use.
Her father taught her beyond the range of normal girls in the
hope that his daughter would one day become a healer. However, her
Aunt Claudia, a jealous woman who enjoyed the power of her brother’s
money and status, had other plans and set about to find the girl a
marriage pact that would remove her from the household.
When she turned sixteen, Claudia – now doubly jealous because
of Elina's long brown hair, brown eyes and ivory skin - began
interviewing men who wished to marry the girl. For three straight
months, her Aunt and at least fifty men of varying ages, weights,
and looks discussed Elina as if she were a horse to be sold.
Elina's independent spirit detested the idea of giving up her
desires and freedoms for someone who she cared nothing about. She
began to realize that her father would not be able to save her
from her Aunt’s bargaining. Once the betrothal papers were
signed, she would be doomed.
She had heard tales of the Amazons from women who lived in her
town. She heard they were brave and independent in spirit. They
survived without men. She admired this life and decided that she
wanted it for herself.
She gathered all of her necessary belongings and secured them
on her horse, Demeter. Leaving her caged past, she headed east to
join the ranks of the Amazons without a single glance back.
Elina's totems are the snake and the hawk.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
5 May 2007