
Tasida Cumae Potami Thermadon (Former
of the Thermadon)
Eraste Exousia was born and raised in Sparta. She was the
bastard daughter of the King and a peasant woman. As she grew up, she
couldn’t understand why she didn’t like her father, never realizing
that he was her step-father.
As she grew up, she was persecuted by the Prince; who recognized the
resemblance between them and made Risty’s life miserable. One day he
accused her of theft in the market and had the guards haul her away. Her
mother frantically tried to get her freed, but to no avail. To teach thieves
a lesson, and because the Prince called for it, they sentenced her to
die. They tied her hands behind her, gagged her and tied a piece of lead
to her legs, then threw her into the river.
Her childhood friends, Psalmos and Aredikasko, dove into the river and
rescued her. They begged her to stay, but she knew that she would die by
the Prince’s machinations if she didn’t leave. So at the age of 14,
she bid her friends farewell and stowed away on a trade ship leaving
She found herself in Rome where she lived by her wits until she decided
to journey and see if she could find a place for herself. At 15 she left
Rome to find a home, a place of her own.
She traveled for a year before finding herself in Asia Minor, sick and
hurt. As she was resting by a spring, hoping the sickness would pass,
she was found by some warrior women who brought her to their village and
tended her hurts and illness.
She found she was in the lands of the Themiscyran Amazons and asked to
stay with them as she had no other home or life. The Amazons accepted
her and she has become a member of the tribe.
Eraste is a 16 year old who has raven black hair, with auburn streaks
and emerald green eyes that change color depending on her mood, and fair
but tanned skin. She wears a silver necklace that is a knot shaped into
an arrow with 3 rings below it which surround a ruby and snake bracelets
on her arms. She wears a leather and leopard bodice with a short
leather skirt and goes barefoot even in the winter.
She is a practical
joker and sometimes can be stubborn, but she is also an exuberant person
who loves life and loves to sing and dance no matter what anyone thinks
of it.
She has a black Sorraia horse named Aismomakariotes, which means
“Song of Bliss” and a wolf named Cavellia. She uses sais expertly
and has learned the bow and arrow and sword during her life with the
Her totems are the wolf and the hummingbird.

athelfi arche: 31
July 2003