This character is available for role-playing purposes.

  Please remain true to the nature of the character.


Ivory Leucos

Lilka Roinnsa (Lead Scout)

A little baby, Ivory was found by a group of huntresses on the shore of a river. The impressive thing about her discovery is that a white hawk was taking care of her.

When the hawk saw one of the huntresses approaching the baby, it screamed to the sky and then marked the baby’s right hand with its beak. The hawk then flew away, and the women took the baby with them to Themiscyra. No one ever knew who were her parents or who created her.

Ivory is about twenty years old with black hair and sky blue eyes. Her skin is very white, in contrast to the darkness of her hair. She's of average height, light on her feet but with athletic proportions. The white hawk is her totem animal and she wields her sword with as much skill as she wields her greatest weapon, her wit.

Ivory is currently serving the tribe as one of Thalia's Scouts.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche: 7 December 2002



Xena Warrior Princess is  © Studios USA, Universal City Studios, Inc. Webset design and content ©2007 Crescent Designs for Themiscyra Amazon Nation. Many thanks to Mike's Xena Page for most of the captures.