bint Al Asil
Daughter of Purity
Alogosida Archila (Chief
Archila (Calvary Mistress)
Archila (Livestock Chief)
Karmeen bint Al Asil (Noble daughter of purity) was first-born
child of the chieftain of the most prominent tribe of a Nabataean
desert nomad clan. Karmeen is a 5'8", willowy, slender
brunette with hazel eyes. She was raised among her tribe in the
deserts of Arabia. Having the ability to sense what animals think
had made her childhood difficult. Many of the other children had
always scorned her for the way animals took to her calm nature.
Karmeen's father insisted that his first-born be taught how to
fight with many weapons at a young age. This always was a sore
subject with her brothers, who believed a girl should not learn
how to brandish a sword, or even a dagger for that matter. Until
she turned twenty, she lived a quiet life riding her Arabian
horses across the desert from one oasis to the next, alone.
One afternoon, after a week of solitary wandering, she returned
to the wrath of her younger brother. He banished her so he could
become the next inline for their father's position. Never one for
flourished departures, Karmeen left on the night of a new moon.
She took three prized pure bred Arabian brood mares, the favorite
herd stallion, and two of the tribes best war mares.
She also gathered as much of her weaponry she could carry.
Karmeen loaded her long staff, two daggers, a long bow with a
quiver full of arrows, and her crescent moon Persian sword on her
horses. Saying goodbye only to her mother Al Asil, Karmeen slipped
through the night not knowing where she would end up.
Looking to the stars to help her decide which direction to go.
To the north she could see a very bright star, in the back of her
mind she felt a tug, her decision was made. North it would
She had only traveled across the An Nafud desert once before
when she was a child on a trek with her family. Remembering that
her family had had some camels with them to carry water, she
decided that would be her first priority. Two nights into her
journey she stopped at a small oasis, shivering she grabbed for
her fur lined cape. Confused and scared she knelt to pray to the
Gods for help in her journey. Closing her eyes she asked what she
has done wrong to deserve such a punishment.
Not knowing how long she knelt, a shuffling sound off to her
left broke her trance. Grasping her dagger she searched the
darkness for the culprit of the noise. Camels! Coming to water
at the small spring! Ah, luck was with her.
Grabbing her pack that held her precious amounts of dates and
nuts for the horses, she slowly walked towards the first camel.
Cooing softly, she caught its attention.
Hmm, it has a nose ring. Must be another tribes herd.
She thought.
The lead camel reached for her outstretched hand, which she had
filled with the dates. Reaching towards him with her other hand,
she gently rubbed under his jaw then down to his neck.
Trusting Karmeen instinctively, the camel let her tie a rope
around its neck. Knowing the other camels would follow the lead
one, she tethered him to her horse and left the others free.
Sighing, she looked to the stars. "Thank you," she
whispered to the vast array of twinkling lights.
One full turn of the moon later, Karmeen and her small brood of
horses and camels finally reached the Euphrates River. She had
traveled at night so she could follow her star, Karmeen rejoiced
at having reached this far north.
She decided to camp for a few days at the base of the river for
two reasons. One, so the animals could regain their strength from
the journey and two, so she could figure out how to cross. A week
after camping under some trees close to the river Karmeen had
decided the best route across was to travel up-river, almost a
day's walk from her camp.
Gathering her belongings, along with the fish she had dried and
the fruits she had gathered, Karmeen was once again ready to
continue her journey north. Holding a long stick in front of her,
she pressed it into the river testing the ground, gingerly walking
in front of the string of animals. The current wasn't as swift at
this curve in the river, but the water was getting deeper. Many
minutes later she emerged on the other side impressed with herself
and the animals.
After a second turn of the moon and some encounters with some
travelers, Karmeen came to a town bustling with people. She
decided to sell the camels. She felt bad that she would prosper
from the theft of the beasts, but realized she had little choice.
She needed money to stay in the city and stable her prized horses.
She found a happy tradesman and asked if he would be heading
south. He was and she gave back all but a little of the money he
had paid her and described the area the camels had come from,
asking if he would return them. Surprised by the request, the man
gave her his word that he would try to do as Karmeen asked.
Desperately in need of a good bath and a hot meal, she looked
for an Inn. Once clean and with a full belly, she relaxed in the
atmosphere of the main room. Karmeen couldn't help but overhear
some strangely dressed woman talking of a community of Amazons.
Not sure of the word, but very curious, she walked over to
their table and introduced herself. "I am Karmeen bint Al
Asil, formerly of the Ben Ishak tribe of the far southern deserts
of Arabi." Bowing her head, "I have no home, and I would
like to find out more of this tribe of Amazons. Can you help
They looked her over a minute, then spoke with each other in a
tongue she wasn't familiar with. Catching pieces of words here and
there, she guessed they had decided to help her. A tall,
dark-haired woman turned to her and said that in the morning
before dawn Karmeen should meet them at the northern edge of the
town. The woman told Karmeen to be ready for hard travel.
Karmeen thanked her and went to the stable to sleep with her
horses to insure their safety. In a misty gray dawn, Karmeen, atop
her favorite war mare Ironlady, rode towards the fur and
leather-clad woman.
The dark haired woman greeted her and asked to be introduced to
Karmeen's companions. Smiling warmly at the term used, Karmeen
happily introduced her "family": Ironlady, a chestnut
war mare; Maaza, a black war mare; Galana'Zi, a bay broodmare;
Cobah, a chestnut broodmare; Marhaba Safina, a gray broodmare; and
Ibn Tsatyr, her blood bay stallion.
The woman seemed very impressed with the quality of the small
but proud horses. Mounting her horse the woman told Karmeen to not
lag behind.
Half a turn of the moon later, the small band of women came to
a ridge overlooking a large, busy village. Looking down, Karmeen
knew she was home.
Hopefully Karmeen's young life will have many more eventful
Karmeen's totems are the wolf and lynx. Karmeen's favored
weapons are the shamshir, the dagger, and the bow. Karmeen shares
a hut with Rhiannon. Karmeen speaks Latin and Persian.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
17 March 2003