Leonie de' Tek
Istoria (Taleweaver)
Leonie de' Tek was born in Gaul to a nameless father and a
woman who cared not to have a babe, much less a child following
her around. Leonie's mother was a Woman of the Midnight Streets,
employed in one of the hundreds of buildings kept for such things.
With such a parentage she grew up on her own on the streets . .
. and quickly. Never given a name by her birth mother, other then
Girl, she named herself, just as she fed and raised herself. She
knew what her mother was and vowed never to be used by any man or
woman. Ever.
Leonie struck out to the lands when she reached her 12th year.
She was "ripe for selling" her mother said, with a
particular malice. With Leonie's exotic blonde white hair and
green eyes, many a man's eyes often set on her. So, with no
destination set in her head, nor any equipment other then what she
could scrounge or steal, she left.
She earned her food and lodging and her warm place by the fire
with the stories she made up in her head. She was very good at it
too, and her patrons were always sad to see her go, as her tales
made the nights go quickly. She has 24 years to her name now and
she has earned the title Taleweaver at many camp fires, with more
stories of truth and lore then she can count.
Many years have passed since Leonie began her journey, she's
met her totem animals; the blue jay and the toad and has lived her
life as she pleases. Yet she believes there is a long ways for her
to go.
She has never looked back at what she left behind nor regretted
anything she's done in her trek. Leonie now resides in Themiscyra
where she has found both her Family and her Spiritual Roots. Here
they call her Kuk'Tai Leonie.
Leonie uses the staff, the short bow, and the sword. Her
roommates are Khepri and Latrina. She rides a chestnut Lusitano
stallion named Wind Drifter (Windy). She can speak Gaul, Greek and

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
15 April 2003