Li Zhen
of the Jian
Verlisi (Royal Guard)
Cumae (Weapons Guardian)
Tasida Cild Archila (Former Weapons Mistress)
Living on the edge of the Han empire in China; Li Zhen's family
had to fend for themselves, learning to protect themselves from
Mongol attacks. The women of their village were almost as fierce
as the men.
Following the Spice and Silk trade routes through the
mountains, they learned the land very well. And the merchants who
traveled the pass came to rely on the silent watches the people of
the area provided, protecting them from bandits to Mongol hordes.
The shadow of the mountains were the hunting grounds for the
villagers, living on crops alone their children would die of
starvation. But there were always plenty of wild animals to
provided meat and skins to keep the children fed and warm.
Chengdu, the closest city to them, was a bustling market filled
with spices and silks, foreign goods and local merchandise. A
place on the crossroads of all trade routes, there were always
foreign merchants there selling their goods.
Ling Li Zhen, the daughter of a border lands hunter, learned
the art of tracking and trapping early. Otherwise they would all
have starved. The only child born to her parents, Li Zhen was
never a good daughter. Never doing as she was bidden, always
causing a stir; she liked it that way. Everyone took notice of her
antics and put it down to her family being strange; anyone who
chose to live so close to the mountain range had to have something
wrong with them anyway.
But the mountain provided exactly what Li Zhen wanted,
adventure. On an expedition up its vast slopes one day, she came
across something she had never seen before. A small wooden hut, in
the middle of a clearing. Ever curious, the adventurous adolescent
entered the hut and found a small weather- beaten man sitting on
the floor, his robes of blue giving him the look of an ancient
scribe waiting for his master to give him something to write.
After a few inquiries as to who the man was, Li Zhen learned he
was a martial arts master, who had been waiting for his newest
pupil; her.
Several years passed and Li Zhen became a new person; the young
woman was now a grown woman, as deadly as any man and sometimes
even more so. When she returned to her village, she found that her
family had thought her dead. Not wanting to cause them anymore
pain, she joined a caravan that was traveling over the mountain
pass and made her way west hoping to find somewhere she did
belong; as her master had said she would. Warrior women who would
accept her and treat her as a sister. Amazons, they called
themselves; and Ling Li Zhen would not stop until she found them.
Standing at 5 foot 7 inches, Li Zhen is tall for her people.
Her training has left the right side of her face with a scar,
reaching from near her ear to her chin, a faint line of white
skin. Her silky, long black hair is pulled back in a high pony
tail on her head and her slim form gives a false impression.
Underneath her slim exterior lies the heart of a tiger and she'll
rip out the heart of anyone who does her wrong.
Her deep brown eyes reveal little of what she is thinking and
people find it hard to talk to her as she guards her words as well
as she guards herself. Her weapon is the Jian which she has two
of, both strapped to her back. A blade used by the most feared of
warriors it is unwise to challenge Li Zhen to sword combat. Her
martial arts skills rival that of any master.
Living in the snow capped mountains for so long, Li Zhen
encountered many wild animals, none more frequently then the Snow
Leopard. A sleek killer of incredible beauty and what her master
called her Spirit Guide, her protector.
"He will always watch over you, Ling Li Zhen, you must
always show respect to your Spirit Guide and never forget
him." Her master had said as they watched one of these large
cats stalk past them one day.
Urged on by her master's words and her totem's presence, Ling
Li Zhen found the Warrior Women of Legend.
Li Zhen is master of the Jian but knows many weapons as well as
skills without them. Her horse is named Arash. She speaks Chin.
Her totem is the snow leopard.

athelfi arche:
08 March 2004