Menuma (Former Messenger)
Koritsi (Former Chef Apprentice)
to Quecia
of Junia and Equitius
In Rome, lived twin sisters named Quecia and Lupa. They were
the daughters of Junia and Equitius. They were bread makers and
had their own bakery.
Quecia and Lupa were identical twins. They did everything in
the same manner. They spoke and walked exactly the same. No one
could tell them apart but their mother, Junia. She knew that
Quecia was the music lover and Lupa was the artist. Junia had both
her daughters dedicated to Minerva, the goddess of Roman arts and
music. The sisters were educated within the Temple of Minerva.
Quecia was taught how to play the harp and flute and Lupa was
taught how to paint mosaics. They were happy and became very
devoted to Minerva.
Minerva was also the goddess of war and the twins were also
instructed in how to protect themselves. They were told stories
and legends of the Amazons. The sisters loved hearing about the
Amazons and wanted to be like them. They each dreamed they would
one day join them.
When the sisters became 18, their parents said that it was time
for them to fulfill the marriage contracts that had been arranged
whey they had been 13. Their future husbands were older men but
they were very rich and well respected. But the twins did not want
to marry. They wanted to become Amazons instead.
Quecia and Lupa ran away from their parents' home and hid in
the temple of Minerva. The priestess of Minerva asked them what
they were hiding from. They told the older woman of their problem.
The priestess felt sympathy for the sisters and decided to help
The priestess had befriended an Amazon years before. She hoped
her friend's Queen might be able to help the twins in their quest
to be Amazons. She told the sisters where a tribe of Amazons lived
and wrote a letter to the Amazon Queen asking her to take the
twins into their tribe. She gave the letter to the twins and under
the cover of darkness, she took them out of the city and into the
countryside. The priestess gave the sisters two horses. Quecia and
Lupa rode far away to the lands where the priestess had told them
the Amazons lived in Themiscyra.
Quecia and Lupa are 18 years old and fair of face. They have
long black hair and light green eyes. They are of medium height
and slender. The horse is their totem animal. The only way to
tell them apart is by the color of the gemstone each sister wears
on her forehead. Quecia's is red and Lupa's is blue.
Lupa rides a black stallion named Tacita. She speaks Latin.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
29 March 2007