
of Rome
Archila (Former Watch Mistress)
Trainer (Former Weapons Trainer)
Archila (Former Head Potter)
Tasida Jilika Koritsi (Former
Born in Britannia, Myla belonged to the Celtic tribe known as the Cantiaci. Their kingdom was situated in the southeastern corner of Britannia, where rolling green hills met white cliffs at the sea's edge.
Myla was raised like all Cantiaci girls. She was taught to cook and sew as well as to ride and fight. Myla was a gifted warrior. She had the sharp eye of an eagle and was fleet of foot like the deer of the forest. Myla grew to stand five feet, nine inches tall. Her long auburn hair she wore brushed back in a ponytail. Her brown eyes were almond-shaped above a straight nose and full lips framed by dimples when she smiled.
She came from a large family consisting of her parents, several siblings, aunts, uncles and many cousins. They decided that Myla should serve the needs of her people by making pottery and working in their gardens when she was not accompanying the King's aide, Lord Vesonias, on his many journeys. Vesonias had selected Myla as his personal archer, for she was the best archer in the tribe.
The Cantiaci were the most highly civilized tribe in Britannia. Even Caesar thought so when he conquered them. Many Cantiaci, including most of Myla's family, were killed in battle. A few unlucky ones were taken back to Rome as captives. Among them was Myla.
Rome was unlike anything Myla had ever seen. The city sprawled out over seven hills. Its buildings were immense. People from many different parts of the world crowded the streets, speaking languages Myla could not understand. She only knew her Celtic tongue.
It riled Myla to be paraded behind the chariots of her people's conquerors before the populace of Rome, but worse was yet to come. Myla and her fellow captives soon found themselves in the arena. Their captors expected them to die in blood sports for the amusement of the mob. Myla disappointed them. She survived.
No matter how many times Myla was sent out into the arena to die, she always came out alive. Her warrior training saved her as well as being quick to learn from watching those gladiators who won time and time again. Unwittingly, Myla became a gladiatrix and a very good one. She became the darling of the crowd. They chanted her name, cheered her victories, yet a captive she remained.
Six years passed. Then one day as she left the arena escorted by armed guards, Myla encountered the grand litter of the Vestals of Rome. What Myla did not know until her chance encounter with the Vestals was that, by Roman law, if she should crossed paths with any Vestal, she would instantly be set free. Myla could hardly believe it when the fetters were removed from her wrists and she was told she was free.
Myla returned to her home in Britannia, but soon realized that her old life was gone forever. More trials awaited her and soon she found herself back in Rome fighting against the tyranny of Caesar. Now she
realized that her life needed to go in a new direction. It was then that the Vestal said to her:
"Go thou ever towards rising Apollo and may his sister, Great Artemis, guide you to the land of free women who live under their own rule; worshippers of the Moon Goddess, they are called Amazons and their home is a place named
Myla's totem is the hare. She knows many weapons but prefers the
bow, the spear and the short sword. Myla shares her hut with
Shatana, a small mouse and rides a horse named Angwen. She speaks
Celtic and Latin.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
07 July 2006