Tasida Kuk'Tai (Former
sister of Tern
of Celosia and Medea
Born under the rule of Lysippe, Pelee was captured
and sold as a slave to Octigon. She remained his property for many
years, he had too watchful an eye to escape. But she finally
managed it. She returned from Egypt to her homeland only to find
the site empty and devoid of life. It was obvious to her that the
tribe had moved instead of having been destroyed. She followed the
signs of travel the tribe had left behind.
It took many months to track them across the mountains around
the Black Sea, then south back toward Egypt where'd she come. She
found the remains of another city, also abandoned.
This time she attempted to track it south and became hopelessly
lost. Luckily she chanced upon a tall blonde man and his shorter
curly-haired companion. They led her back to Themiscrya, to her
twin sister Tern and her cousins, now rulers of the tribe.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
15 April 2000