Archila (Former Head Boat Builder)
Potami (Former River Guardian)
Priene is from southern Gaul. She grew up in a town by the sea
named Itius Portus. Her father had been a legionnaire but had
retired to marry a young Morini woman and had one girl child with
Since her father had been a Greek, she learned to speak that
language as well as her own of Gaelic and the Latin of the Empire.
Growing up, Priene heard many stories from the sailor and legion
friends that visited her father. Some of these stories were of
great warrior women who lived in their own nation and of all the
stories Priene heard she loved that one the best. She longed to
meet these women. She wanted to be a warrior woman too. Priene did
not want to be meek and subservient like the rest of the town
women. She wanted a different life.
When she was nineteen her father became ill and died suddenly.
Her mother followed shortly thereafter dying of grief. Priene was
alone for the first time in her life, a young woman of means. Her
father had made a good fortune in trading with the ships and
troops that came through the town and Priene had inherited his
wealth. Many young men from about the town wanted to marry her but
she had other ideas.
Shortly after her mother's burial, she packed up as much as she
could and made arrangements for passage with a ship going to the
Mediterranean to trade. When the time came for the ship to leave,
she disguised herself as a young man and boarded.
After a year or so on the trading route, having done some
trading on her own after darkening her skin, she came to Byzantium
with all its wonders and its hodgepodge of people from all over
the known world. She wandered about staring in amazement at all
the wonders before settling at a tavern for a meal and to hear the
gossip and news. Finding a table near some Roman soldiers, she
settled back and gleaned all the information from them she could.
It was here that she learned more specific information of the
legendary Amazons.
She immediately made plans to sail to Sinope, the largest city
near the area supposedly guarded by the women warriors. Having
transferred her goods to a new ship and paying passage, she
started out again into the Black Sea. Once she had reached Sinope,
it was suggested by local lore that she set out for a smaller town
called Catyora that seemed to deal with Amazons. She set out to
see for herself if there was any truth to these stories. The
folklore of the town led her to search for the Thermadon River
since it was said the Amazons traveled it. As she followed the
river, her heart seemed to fill and she just knew she was going in
the right direction. She just knew that soon she would find these
legendary women.
Priene is slender and stands five feet nine inches tall. She is
a fair-skinned blonde with blue eyes. She carries a wand made of
pure silver decorated with special symbols that had belonged to
her grandmother. Her parents did not know the meaning of the
symbols or how her grandmother came to possess the wand. They only
knew that her grandmother had wanted Priene to have it and so the
mysterious wand was given to her on her 18th birthday. She hopes
that someday she will learn what the symbols mean. She is
good-natured, a bit shy and quiet, but she makes friends once she
gets used to people.
Her totem is the fox. She uses the bow. Her hut mate is Vatari.
She speaks Gaul, Latin and Greek.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
17 March 2006