Archila (Former Head Falconeer)
Alovasuri Archila (Former Cavalry
Born in a small village in the Netherlands, Rhiannon had a very
happy childhood. During the day she would work side by side with
her father, helping him break the wild horses that roamed the
mountains near where they lived. In the evenings her mother taught
her to read and write. This was a rare thing in her village, and
her mother was greatly respected for her knowledge.
In her 18th year, Rhiannon faced many new challenges. Her
father gave her Bas, a great black Friesian stallion to break. If
she were successful, she would be allowed to keep him as her own.
Very few women possessed the strength and courage to tame such a
beast, but Rhiannon's quick wit and soft hand, soon tamed the
mighty stallion.
It was this very year that her mother found that she was with
child. Excited by the prospect of a sibling, Rhiannon spent her
spare time carving wooden toys for the baby. Suddenly, her father
was called away, and it was then up to Rhiannon to hunt for food,
and protect her mother from warlords that occasionally would pass
through the village.
In a short time, she became very accurate with a bow, and quite
powerful with a staff. One evening by the fire, her mother gave
her a gift, a pair of beautiful sais. Her mother was quite a
warrior in her day, much to the surprise of Rhiannon, and wished
that her daughter would carry on the fight for peace. Unsure how
to accept this gift, Rhiannon hid the sais in a safe place.
Her father returned days before her mother went into labor. It
was a long night for everyone. But something went wrong.
Rhiannon's mother died in childbirth, and her new brother died the
very next morning.
Overcome by grief, Rhiannon gathered what she could carry and
saddled up Bas. For months she wandered aimlessly, the sadness
overcoming her soul. One day, nearly two years after she left her
home, she stumbled upon an Amazon tribe. In her weakened state,
she fell upon the ground at the feet of an Amazon warrior and
slowly drifted into darkness.
Her totems are the serpent and the horse. She rides a black Friesian
stallion named Bas.
Rhiannon has left Themiscyra to be zenorabe' with Chenaryn
the Centaur.
Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
3 March 2003