Sida (Cavalry Rider)
Born in the forests of the village Tripoli in Arcadia, Greece,
her mother was a herbalist and her father was a blacksmith. When
Rowana was six, her mother was teaching her how to use herbs as
medicine, but Rowana was interested in learning how to use weapons
instead. Every time her father crafted swords and weapons, she
would watch and observe curiously. She asked her father once if he
could teach her how to use a sword, but his response was harsh and
he denied her request. This did not stop Rowana from touching his
swords whenever he wasn't home. She would practice swinging and
slashing in the air when her mother was outside.
When it was her tenth birthday, her father bought her a a
beautiful black mare as a gift. Rowana named the mare, Ebony,
after her black coat. He thought that by teaching her horseback
riding, it would decrease her desire of learning how to fight. He
was wrong however. Rowana started to have visions about the
Goddess Artemis, starting off at symbols such as deer running in
forests. They became clearer as she got older. She told her mother
about them and her mother was solemn, yet excited at the same
time. She spoke to her husband about it, but he was not happy
about it at all.
When she became fifteen, her father wanted to arrange a
marriage for her. Her mother was worried that it would upset the
Goddess Artemis. Rowana overheard the news and she declared that
she did not want to marry at all. Her father loved her very much
and if that was what she wanted, he did not interfere his daughter
when she was following after the Goddess footsteps.
A year later, Rowana received a message from the Goddess
Artemis 'to travel Eastward to find her sisters' in a dream. She
announced to her parents that she was going to leave home and
travel. Before she left, her father finally gave her a sword and
gave her a quick lesson how to use a bow. She rode away with Ebony
to the East and survived learning how to hunt and fish. Years and
years passed until she stumbled upon a settlement between the
mouths of a river. Queen Deoris welcomed her in and she became
part of Themiscyra.
Rowana is now nineteen. She has green eyes and long brown hair
tied back in a ponytail. She stands around 5'4''. Her once pale
skin is tanned. Her weapons are the sword and bow. She knows how
to fight on horseback a bit.
Her animal totem is the Horse.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
27 July 2009