
Samsara Athanase Achala Kakistos
Samsara Ishtar'ijahe
The Great Destroyer
Goddess Kakistos of Destruction
Queen Empress of Teloans, Latra of Teloq
Master of War (disputed)
Founder of the War Academy
Daughter to Callisto Warrior Queen by Ares
Sister to Seriana Ritani Silver Hawk by Ares
Niece to Jadea the Sorceress Empress by Callisto

Samsara Athanase was conceived through Ares' rape of Callisto. Having struck a deal with Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, the Warrior Queen abandoned her barely-born daughter in the outskirts of Amazonia, where the Teloan Amazons once lived. It was Ishtar, the Shamaness Priestess, who found the infant and raised her in the ways of the Amazon Nation.
For many years it was believed that Samsara was also of Aresian lineage which explained her God-like powers of teleportation, telekinesis, ability to conjure fire in her hands, and the ability to see into a person's past by touching their blood. However, once she found out that Ares was not her father, Ares became less capable of bending her to his will.
The Teloan was a spitfire from a young age and the death of her Guardian, with girl child, only exacerbated that fact. Athanase's rage overtook her. Ares arranged for this path of events, hoping she would play the pawn he so desperately wanted. He was forced to wait several years for this opportunity. Samsara traveled east, then north. In her travels, he met Mariko, the Eastern Woman of the Land of Eight Islands who taught her the art of warfare. Samsara's infamous battle with Uzbek the Khan earned her the title Great Destroyer. She then traveled into Gaul to learn of their people.
It was then that she learned of the murder of the Warrior Queen at the hands of the Warrior Princess. Punishing enemies of the Amazon Nation, she searched for Xena, but she was always one step away. Disappointed with her failed quest for vengeance, she returned to Amazonia to assume her duties as High Princess of the Teloans. Soon after, Chief Elder Serena soon sent her to Themiscyra to study under the discretion of Gienasata Latra Celosia.
Half-goddess, entirely immortal, she was the Protector of the Hind's Blood as deemed by Zeus, until her Trial on Olympus, when she was stripped of her status for killing Deimos. As further punishment, she was thrown into the depths of the Sahara without memory or knowledge of her powers. By virtue of her Aunt Jadea's search for her she was found. She struggled to regain her memories and her position within Themiscyra.
Samsara Athanase is a warrior and Guardian of Themiscyra. She is loyal to honor and traveled to Nan Yüeh to (unsuccessfully) free the oppressed from the Han dynasty and her past, but returned to Themiscyra frustrated. Then at the askance of her Teloans, she left to pursue new homelands in the Diyala (present-day Iraq, at the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), but soon learned that her defiance of her one-time Father has its repercussions.
Samsara wears a suede-lined one-sleeve tank, the left side made of black satyr skin and the other from its brown leather. Her skirt is slit to the hips and held together by black satyr leather, the flaps of tan leather. Her talisman is her royal Amazon staff, decorated with fur, grips, and beads as a general's jacket is adorned with pins and medals. She wears black sandals. Her long jet-black hair is in a high ponytail, her black eyes bore out of her bronze skin. She carries a sword, a long dagger, and a ruby encrusted dagger Zia gave her as a token of their friendship. She once had a powerful horse, Prince, a black stallion pegasus with red eyes and a ruby in his forehead, but he died in Nan Yüeh, whom she replaced with an unnamed chestnut-colored mare. Her gray wolf, Bodhisattva, is a loyal hound that follows her everywhere. Samsara shares her hut with Seriana and Selena. Her totem is the gray wolf, Bodhisattva. She can speak Latin, Greek, Japa and Chin.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche: 28 April 2000