Royal Executioner
Koritsi (Livestock Caretaker
Potami Thermadon (Guardian of the
River Thermadon)
Koritsi (Social Apprentice)
Daughter of Alcera
Talis knew about the close blood ties between the Egyptians and
the Amazons of Libya and Numidia from her mother, Alcera. In fact,
Talis' father was an Egyptian scribe. Maybe that was why she had
such a love of writing and reading. Her mother surely thought so.
"That's your father's gift to you." she would often
remark. In every other way, though, she was an Amazon like her
mother and her grandmother and all the countless generations of
Amazons before her.
At nineteen, Talis had an unusually vivid dream. "You
should have your dream interpreted," Alcera told her the next
morning. She went with Talis to Artemis' Temple, an oblong
building of white alabaster with many side rooms. They entered the
room dedicated to Artemis as the Lady of the Animals. The
priestess in charge listened intently as Talis recounted her
"I was engulfed in darkness. I dared not move for I could
see nothing. I reached out and felt nothing. A light then appeared
in the distance moving towards me. As it neared me, I saw it was
really a lioness walking towards me. She gave off a golden light
and it dispelled all the darkness. From deep inside I heard a
voice not my own. 'I am here to help you.' It was as if I had
always known her."
The priestess smiled. "Each of us had a spirit guide. This
lioness is yours. Do always as she instructs you."
When Talis turned twenty-five, the Queen summoned all her
Amazons to appear before her. Those between the ages of twenty and
forty gathered in the center of the throne room while the younger
girls and older women, Alcera among them, sat up in galleries that
ran the length of the room on either side. Beside the Queen sat
three Egyptian priestesses in their white blue trimmed linen
dresses. Talis recognized the insignia on their necklaces. It was
that of Nut, the Sky Goddess.
The Queen stood. "My sisters, a tragedy has befallen our
Egyptian kinswomen and they have come to us for help." A
slight murmur ran through the assembly. "One moon ago, the
High Priestess and Oracle of Nut, keeper of the All-Seeing, was
murdered." Talis gasped. "And the All-Seeing was
Alcera had taken Talis to Egypt when she was twelve and Talis
remembered their visit to Nut's Temple at Dendera. In the center
was a circular dark blue curtain embroidered with stars that hung
from the ceiling to the floor. An apprentice pulled back the
curtain to let them enter the place where the All-Seeing was kept.
Surrounded by four small fires in tiny cauldrons atop iron stands,
the All-Seeing rested in a niche made of gold and silver and
adorned with gemstones of all colors. The All-Seeing was a black
shiny oblong stone that had fallen from the sky when the temple
had first been built. The High Priestess of the day dutifully
accepted the Goddess' present and had a special place built to
house it in the center of Nut's Temple. The mysterious stone
enabled the High Priestess to see both past and future and she
became Egypt's first oracle.
The Queen continued. "A Hittite captive escaped and hid in
Nut's Temple. An apprentice witnessed the murder. While she went
to summon the guards, this murderer fled, taking the All-Seeing
with him. He eluded all forms of capture and is believed to left
Egypt by now. The Pharaoh, as you all know, is preoccupied with
his war plans and has no interest in obtaining justice for our
sisters, so they have rightly come to us.
Looking at her Amazons in the center of the room, she touched a
large cauldron beside her. "To this end, a name shall be
chosen from among your names written on lots in this cauldron. She
who's name is pulled out shall have the honor of rendering this
service to our Egyptian kinswomen. Any among you who do not wish
to participate, speak now." Silence greeted her words. The
Queen thanked her Amazons for their courage. Without hesitation,
she plunged her hand deep into the cauldron then raised her hand
above her head, a lot visible through her clenched fingers.
"The Goddess has spoken! She chooses for this noble
task," the Queen looked at the small clay lot.
Talis glanced at her mother. Alcera's head was flung back and
she was biting her lip. The Amazons stood aside to let Talis
approach the Queen. "Do you accept the Goddess'
decision?" the Queen asked her.
"Yes, I do." The Queen brought out a black leather
cord. On it was a silver labrys. She tied it around Talis' right
forearm. "I make you executioner. You are charged to find the
High Priestess of Nut's murderer, execute him, secure the
All-Seeing and return the sacred object to its rightful place.
Know that you may not return to us until you have accomplished
what has been asked of you."
Talis bowed her head. She felt numb in her body but her mind
was reeling. "Great Artemis, help me."
Talis left the next morning on her black mare, Zara. She
accompanied the three Egyptian priestesses back to Dendera. The
apprentice who had witnessed the murder gave her a description of
the man. Talis wondered how in the world she would ever find him.
"I will ask Nut to help you everyday until you return."
The apprentice patted her arm. Talis thanked her.
That night, Talis dreamt of the lioness. This time they stood
by a river. The lioness then lead her to a small clearing a short
distance away. "Remember this place."
It took Talis three years before she found the All-Seeing in
the Temple of Gaia at Troy. The priestesses told her how a
stranger had sold the beautiful stone to them but now knowing its
true history, they gladly returned it to her. Talis secured the
precious stone in the special box she had brought along for it.
She thanked her translator, one of two warrior women she had run
across on her long journey. They both knew the Amazon tongue which
had surprised Talis. The taller one had the air of a queen. Her
companion was an amiable redhead who amused Talis with her
stories. Her intuition told her she could trust them. They were
headed for Egypt and Talis dared to ask them if they would take
the All-Seeing to Nut's Temple in Dendera. "It would be an
honor." The tall one took the box and hid it in her
saddlebags on the back of her handsome steed.
"Thank you, Xena." Talis clasped her arm in the
traditional Amazon handshake.
"Good luck, Talis."
"Thank you, Gabrielle." Talis watched them leave,
till they vanished into the horizon. "Great Artemis, may I
have done well. Grant them a safe journey."
Another three years passed. Her intuition kept telling her to
head north, so she did. One summer day, Talis came to a river
which lead to a sea she could just make out in the distance.
"What a beautiful place," she thought as she refilled
her water bags while Zara drank. Suddenly an old dream rushed back
to her. A snap of a twig echoed through the forest behind them.
Talis motioned Zara to stay as she removed her sword from its
saddle sheath. Without a sound, Talis made her way to a small
clearing. There stood a tall man armed with a dagger. Talis knew.
"It's you! Murderer!"
Talis brandished her sword. The stranger hurled his dagger at
her. Talis easily deflected it. It was then Talis felt a sharp
pain. She quickly looked and saw a small dagger's hilt protruding
from her right side. The stranger had tricked her. He had had a
second dagger. This did not weaken her. Far from it. It seemed to
energize her but for a moment Talis feinted weakness and knelt
down on one knee. In a sight hand motion invisible to the
stranger, she scooped up a small flat stone and flipped it with
her thumb into the undergrowth behind him . The tactic worked. The
stranger was distracted for only an instant but it was enough for
Talis. She leapt up and in one sweeping movement with both her
hands she brought her sword up and over her head and straight into
the murderer's chest. A look of surprise was in his eyes as he
fell backwards. Talis stepped over him. "Return to your maker
and pay the life debt you owe." With those words, Talis
pushed the sword through him then grasped it firmly and yanked it
out. The stranger died that second. Talis dragged the body to a
larger clearing that the carrion might find it.
Talis returned to the stream. She removed the dagger and
cleaned her wound. She rested awhile but the wound kept seeping.
Talis began to feel the heat of fever in her brow. Slowly the
realization came - poison. The dagger had been dipped in some sort
of poison now cursing through her body. She laid by a tree staring
up at the sunlight falling on her through the dancing leaves.
"What a nice place to die," she thought. But what of
Zara? "Great Artemis, help us." At that moment she heard
soft footsteps cautiously advancing on her. With all her strength
she turned her head to see two women. She imagined they were
warrior women. "The last thing I shall see is a vision of
Amazons." She smiled to herself and fell unconscious.
Talis is 5'6" tall and slender with a muscular build. Her
eyes are a chestnut brown and she has an olive complexion. Her
dark brown hair is shoulder length and she wears it in three
braids to honor the Triple Goddess of the Libyan Amazons: Artemis,
Demeter and Hecate.
Talis was killed in an unfortunate accident involving a bow.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche:
24 September 2003