
Athelfi Lilka (Head
Tae'Nah Quilla (Amazon
Personal Advisor to Queen Jadea
Protected by the Snow Wolf
Thalia is a 5’4" Amazon with long brown hair and
hazel-green eyes that tend to change color. She may not look it,
but is fairly strong and quite agile. She usually wears a bright
smile and appears in a good mood.
Thalia is the Head Scout, she will go ahead of the Amazon
parties to check for dangers in new territories and ahead of
traveling groups. She can move silently through the forest, and
uses her morphing ability to disguise herself in animal form. She
is also the Themiscryan Scrollkeeper, she keeps a record of the
Amazons’ adventures and history.
Thalia is a very caring Amazon, she looks out for others and can
be very protective. She doesn’t like seeing anyone hurts, upset
or in danger and will try to prevent it any way possible. She’s
very lighthearted, she can never resist a joke and loves to laugh
and make others laugh.
Thalia’s main weapon is the bow and arrow or crossbow. It is
very helpful in hunting and attacks, she aids her sisters by
taking out some of the enemy before they can reach them. For
closer combat she uses a sword, and she holds a dagger in her
boots for emergencies. She also trains with her sisters in
martial-arts types of combat.
Thalia is protected by the Snow Wolf, her totem animal. The
spirit of the Snow Wolf will come to her aid if she needs it,
whether in physical form or merely to strengthen her courage. A
snow wolf named Desdion is her guardian, she communicates with him
through telepathy. He can travel on the spiritual plane.
She is quick and agile, like an animal, especially through the
forest. She is a Biomorph, she was born with the ability to change
forms into any type of animal (including other humans). It takes a
lot of concentration, too much morphing in too short a period of
time without rest can he exhausting and will drain her energy,
leaving her weak. One of her favorite forms is a falcon and/or
hawk, which she will usually use when she is scouting.
Since she is able to morph into animals she can sometimes
communicate with them as well. Not so much with words, but she can
understand what they are trying to communicate to her. It is
easier to talk to them if she is in animal form.
Thalia is training with a newly discovered ability of
telepathy. She can sometimes speak into other people’s minds.
This is useful when she is in animal form and needs to talk to
another Amazon. She’s never tried to read thoughts, though
sometimes she can pick up telepathic messages. (She speaks to
Desdion, her guardian through telepathy).
Thalia’s pets include a dragon, sea lion and wolf. Her best
friend is Zanifus, a large flying blue-green dragon (her constant
companion). They found each other when they were little, they grew
up together and became the closest of friends. He hardly ever
leaves her side, she can trust him more than anyone, he is very
protective of her. If he is not at her side at any given moment,
he will come as soon as she whistles for him.
Then there’s Benvolio. Benny is her Sea Lion that thinks he’s
a dog. He’s adorable, but the most mischievous little guy you’ll
ever meet! He gets into trouble all the time, but she still loves
him. He usually gets away with it anyway! (Don’t be fooled by
his ‘puppy-dog’ eyes!) Watch out, he’s extremely
over-friendly and has a habit of tackling people.
Desdion can’t be described as a pet, he is her guardian, a
mystic wolf who watches over her and sometimes appears if she is
in need of help. She communicates with him telepathically.
When she was only 5, Thalia’s parents were killed in cold
blood by a gang leader. She wandered off on her own and was taken
in by a family. When the family discovered that she was a Biomorph,
they were horrified and she was abandoned. Any family after that
would abandon her as well as soon as they found out what she tried
to hide. She wanted to be loved, but all she was a ‘freak’ a
‘beast’ and different from everyone else. She wanted to be
normal, like everyone was. She found a dragon pup with no family
either, who followed her around and they became good friends. She
named him Zanifus. Thalia wandered from village to village, trying
her hardest to hide her ‘curse’, but only ending up with
heartbreak. After one particularly bad experience when she was 9,
she ran into the woods in a desperate escape. She got hopelessly
lost. She was hurt and could not find Zanifus. Finally, Zanifus
found her but she was too weak to continue. A shimmery white wolf
appeared before her. She wasn’t sure what it was, and it she was
seeing things, but followed it until she was too worn to continue.
She ended up on the outskirts of Themiscrya, where she was found
and taken in by the Queen, Celosia’s mother.
The Queen adopted Thalia, raising her and teaching her how to
use her power. She explained it was not a curse, but rather a
gift. Thalia grew close to nature and practiced fighting and
stealth skills. She grew up with Celosia, Medea and Mizera.
Celosia and Medea were sisters, daughters of the Queen, Mizera was
a close friend of the three. In a great battle, the Queen was
mortally wounded and dying. She appointed Celosia her successor as
Queen. It was a rocky start at first, the Amazons didn’t believe
she could live up to her mother, but she proved them wrong. She
and Celosia inherited powers from her mother at birth, which she
kept as a secret with Thalia, the two of them practiced together
and learned to control their powers. Just recently her power has
been discovered by the rest of the Amazons in the tribe. Thalia
fought with the Amazons when they were driven off their ancestral
land, and fought with them when they gained it back. Today, Thalia
is still with the Themiscyran Amazons in their ancestral land of
Thalia's totem is the snow wolf. She has many animal friends
including Desdion, a mystical wolf guardian and Zanifus, a blue-green dragon
who lives in nearby mountains. She rides an unnamed Appaloosa. She
speaks Latin and knows a little Celtic and Greek.
Thalia has gone on a nok'tana with Zia and Anicalysis to help
the Roman Amazon tribe defend themselves against Caesar's army.

athelfi arche:
19 September 1999