This character is available for role-playing purposes.

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Wife to Thaddeus of Cunaxa

Her name is Ursula and she comes to you in danger.

Born in Mesopotamia, in a city called Cunaxa twenty six years ago, she was married in that same city in her nineteenth year. Her husband, Thaddeus, married her for love unlike so many others. She was his entire life, as her mother was to her father. This was their marriage and it was good.

Eventually, as all couples do, they began to want for children. Dreams of babes filled Ursula's mind every eve after they went to sleep. However, the Gods had this not in their destiny. Month after month her courses would come. She watched the disappointment grow in Thaddeus' eyes, until that ever fateful day.

"Wife, I've made a decision." He stated so plainly. "I am taking another wife."

In some ways she could not say she was shocked, never the less, her heart pounded furiously in her ears as she listened to the man who claimed love to her.

"You've issued no children, I am in my right to take another." He explained.

"And what of the laws?" her eye's narrowed. "Do you intend to sacrifice me to the Gods then?"

"You know I would never do that, Ursula... my love." He moved to embrace her.

Shaking in anger she turned away from him. "So you will shame me twice then! I'm to live as first wife in the same home as your second? I'm to walk the streets as a first wife, shamed because I bear you no children. And your second wife.. is she to walk veiled beside me?"

The pain in his eyes scarred her. But so it was then, as it is now. Though her heart still contained love for him, never could she forgive the shame he placed on her. The blame that it was her that could not bear children. Her fault, her burden.

Thaddeus' weakness was Ursula, he had to have claim to both, children and the woman he was obsessed with. Ursula could not live that way. Her family would be shamed. She could not bear the thought of her father to walk the streets knowing his daughter was alive and living as one of two wives. So under the shield of night she stole away.

Even now he hunts her, for his need is great. Through cities and towns, villages and camps, his obsession crawls over her. Thick as thieves in the taverns at night. She sleeps where she can find shelter, taverns if she has the coin. It's here, in the corners she hears of the women who live in the forests. Who fight armies of men. Who belong to no one but themselves. She vowed to find this Themiscyra, and when she did, she joined the women in Sisterhood.

Ursula rides a horse named Nakai.

Thaddeus was killed by Alexandra while attempting to find Ursula and attacking the Centaur village.

Tae'Nah athelfi arche: 12 November 2003



Xena Warrior Princess is  © Studios USA, Universal City Studios, Inc. Webset design and content ©2007 Crescent Designs for Themiscyra Amazon Nation. Many thanks to Mike's Xena Page for most of the captures.