by the Falcon
Keturah Archila (Former Chief Healer)
Sister to Ollaea
Xanthea stands at barely 5' 1" and is thin with a slightly muscular build
to her, but she's not overly muscular. She appears quite feminine and she's
quite pretty. Though she doesn't look like much (height and weight wise),
she can kick a little butt when she needs to. She has long, chocolate brown
hair with streaks of red in it and blue/green (more green than blue) eyes.
Xanthea (often called Xan) is protected by the falcon. One comes to her
when she needs assistance in times of battle. The falcon is her totem, her
protection. She carries a bow and a quiver of arrows with her at all times.
She's quite the archer. She also carries a sword and dagger -- just in case.
She was born to a member of a different Amazon tribe but was raised outside
of the tribe. The family that raised her was slaughtered by a group of renegade soldiers. She may or may not have had other siblings. She hasn't
seen any since she was very young and she barely remembers her life before
the age of 10. She, however, knows she has a sister named Ollaea. Xanthea,
at age 10, was adopted by an Amazon tribe. The one now ruled by Celosia.
She wears brown leather pants and a brown suede midriff baring top that
laces up in the front. She also wears brown leather boots on her petite
feet. Sometimes she wears a loose fitting, pale yellow top over her suede
top just because. She wears brown leather bands around her arms and one as
a headband. Her hair is often tied back in a ponytail or loosely braided.
Rarely does Xanthea leave her long hair flow freely although it looks quite
nice that way.
She keeps her sword in a sheath at her right side and her dagger in a
sheath on her left shin. Her quiver of arrows is always with her along with
her bow. She makes all her own arrows and made her own bow, which has
lasted her quite a long time. If needed, she carries a tan suede pack with
all supplies in it. Particularly her healing materials.
Xanthea was born with healing abilities (she can heal with just her touch)
and was taught by a great Amazon healer all the rest she needed to know.
Though she's young (in her early 20s), Xanthea now teaches other Amazons
how to heal. She's a decent fighter but prefers to heal and learn. She's
more passive than aggressive although she has her moments. She's also quite in
tune with nature and loves to be outdoors.
Xanthea is playful, witty and resourceful, but she can be tough when the
situation calls for it. Still, she gets nervous and even fearful in times
of battle. Of course, she has to be able. She's too short to be
intimidating. Overall, she's the kind of person you want to have as your
friend and the type of Amazon you wouldn't mind fighting by your side in

Tae'Nah athelfi
arche: 19 September 1999