Jump To: Themiscrya List of Totems
This page relates STRICTLY to the Role-Playing GAME of Themiscrya, and not to our offline real life.
If you want to pursue a journey of self-discovery and determine your own personal animal guide or totem, please feel free. There are many sites listed at Google.com that can give you ways to discover your animal.
However, the names and totems on the list below is solely meant as a resource for role-playing a story we co-create on the tribe's RP board.
Now that we're clear on that point....
There are several simple ways to discover your Amazon character's totem. Make a list of her likes and dislikes. What does she like to do? What does she hate to do? Use everything you know about her and maybe make up some new stuff.
You can then relate those attributes to certain animals. For example, a "crab" totem would be strong and tenacious, holding hard and fast to whatever it clamped on to. But it would also burrow and hide when threatened.
It is all right to choose more than one totem. It is all right to choose the same totem as another Amazon in the tribe. It is all right to pick very specific animals. (Black Bear, Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Koala Bear, whatever.)
If none of those methods are satisfactory, or if you already have an idea what your totem "should" be, you can visit any of the sites below for a listing of what the animal "does". Remember that every site is different, as each individual is different. This is also a very BRIEF sampling of the sites available.
Animal Totem - Magick Whispers - Cycle of Power Totems
Animal Totem Meanings

Amazon Totem List
Alexandra - Tiger, Wolf
Astraea - Fox
Bryseis - Butterfly
Cassia - Cougar
Cypress - Cougar
Damia - Deer
Deoris - Black Bear
Etelka - Eagle, Spider
Faela - Horse, Panther
Jadea - Red Tailed Hawk
Kiran - Bengal Tiger
Kou - Cat, Eagle
Lilo (Latrina) - Snow Owl, Snow Tiger
Leonie - Blue Jay, Toad
Paidi - Albino Snake, Horse
Rhyenna - Goat
Selena - Stag
Sykaara - Lioness
Tara - Spider, Panther
Thisbe - Lion
Valkyra - Wolverine
Willow - White Bengal Tiger, Falcon
If you don't see your name or your totem on this list
and would like your totem added,
please contact Latra Deoris.