of Rostovia
Woman of the Caucasus Mountains
of Themiscyra (Former Queen)
Archila (Former Weapons Mistress)
One early autumn morning amongst the falling
leaves of scarlet and gold, Valkyra came riding out of the
Rostovia Forest in the Caucasus Mountains . The young woman has
now lived twenty-one turns of the four seasons. She has long blond
hair, fair skin and blue eyes. She stands 5 feet 7 inches. She
wears rich riding leathers, clothes that one can easily ride and
fight in. All who see Valkyra are entranced by her feminine
beauty; for she is known throughout the land as a most beautiful
woman. But, all who see her also know that she is a warrior by the
weapons that she carries. Valkyra carries a sword of the finest
steel on her back and there is a Mongolian riding bow strapped to
one side of her saddle next to a quiver of arrows. Fastened to the
other side of the saddle is a luminous shield of some unknown
alloy. Her gray horse snorts in anticipation of a fight. The great
beast is an expertly trained battle steed.
Ever since Valkyra was a young girl, she observed and hated the
horrors and injustices directed toward innocent people by savage
men. She vowed to put an end to this terror one way or another. As
she grew, she put away her dolls and toys to train with weapons,
mainly sword and bow. Her rich mother, sympathetic with her
daughter's desires, sought out the best teachers to give Valkyra
the skills that she would need when she rode out into the world to
do battle with the barbarians. After several years of intense
training, this Russian girl of the mountains was ready. Valkyra
became a warrior woman. She then roamed the land as a mercenary
and put an end to the careers and lives of many criminals and
Through the bards and travelers that Valkyra met on her journeys,
she heard tales of other Sisters of the Sword. She then knew that
she must find these women so that she could contribute her
fighting experience and skill to create an even stronger force of
warrior women. Valkyra just knew that these women were her kind.
She followed the known trails and created new ones across the
lands until she came upon the Thermadon River. She rode along side
of the river until she saw a village. From the top of a ridge she
observed the people living there. They were all women. The Warrior
Woman of the Caucasus Mountains would soon discover that she had
reached Themiscyra Amazon Nation.
As Valkyra lived amongst the Themiscyran Amazons, she first became
the Tribe's Weapons Mistress and then she was appointed Regent.
Finally, Valkyra became Queen of Themiscyra Amazon Nation, while
keeping her position as Weapons Mistress as well.
With the sudden death of Valkyra’s sister, Katrina, Queen of
Rostovia, Valkyra returned to her homeland, Rostovia, to become
its new Queen and to avenge her sister. Her country needed her and
Valkyra answered its call.
The following Royal guards, loyal as they are to
their beloved Queen, left to go with her: Alcinoe - Aneira -
Basilla -Eumache - Genia - Grachia - Jacenta - Kreousa - Scyleia.
The Warrior Woman also owns and rides the following horses, which
she took with her to Rostovia: Velika, a silver Akhal-Teke war
mare; Tanichka, a silver Akhal-Teke war mare; Ninochka, a kohl
Arabian war mare; Sondchka, a kohl Arabian war mare; and Shashenka,
a kohl Arabian stallion.
Valkyra's totem is the wolverine. The woman fighter has
characteristics which are similar to this strong and powerful
animal. The wolverine is one of the most feared animals of all.
Valkyra’s power, like the wolverine, is in her full commitment.
Whenever she battles, she means it and ferociously fights her
enemies until the end.

athelfi arche:
28 April 2000