Themiscrya Sister's Sites
Amazons of Aegae - Kiarna's Yahoo RP
Amazon Way - Deoris' Amazon Page
An Unpredictable Situation - Leonie
Artemis Potnia Theron - Rowana
Cove of a Random Goddess - Latrina
Darkened Gaze - Etelka's Blog
Kou Wainohia's Wet Spot - Kou
Lithiel on Deviant art - Chou's Art
Meghan Arbital - Thalia's Art

Amazon Sites
Includes RPG & Forum Sites
(RP) = Role Playing Site
(YG) = Yahoo Group Forum
Amazons of Aegae (YG RP)
Amazon Dawn (RP)
Amazon Ecstasy
Amazon Legend (YG RP)
Amazonia RPG (RP)
Amazon Nation, The
Amazons of Shadow (YG RP)
Amazon Studies (YG)
Amazons Unite
Amazon Xociety, The
Amazonu Ilensaryae - Moon Dawn Amazons
Ashquar Legends
Chertomlyck Amazons (YG RP)
Ixinos: Island of Amazons (RP)
Loki's Lost Ones (YG RP) (INACTIVE)
Pan Amazonia Yahoo Group (YG) (INACTIVE)
Realm of the Amazons (YG)
Silver Moon Amazons (YG)
Pan Amazonia (YG) (INACTIVE)

Xena Sites
AmazonBon's Xena Realm
Angel Bacchae's Website
Ashera's Archive
Logomancy: Xena Gallery
Michelle's Xena Library
New Xenaland
Official Xena Fan Club
Tom's Xena Page
Xena Artists Collective
Xena Online Community
Xena Online Resources
XWP: Writing and Roleplay


Actor / Character Sites
Lucy Lawless - Xena
Juicy Flawless
Lucy on IMDB
Renee O'Connor - Gabrielle
Renee on IMDB
Adrienne Wilkinson - Livia / Eve
Adrienne on IMDB
Adrienne Wilkinson.Com
Adrienne on MySpace
Adrienne on Facebook

Ancient History
Includes Amazon, Greek, Roman, Women, Pirates
All About Turkey: Anatolia Amazons
Amazon Connection, The
Ancient Worlds
Brave Women Warriors of Greek Myth: An Amazon Roster (Whoosh!)
Classics Technology Center
Catholic Encyclopedia - Themiscyra
Classics Unveiled
De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBR) Resource Page - Amazons, The
Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World
Folklore and Mythology Resource Guide (Suggested by Tessie H.- Thank you!)
Guide to Ancient Greek Theatre (Suggest by Samantha B. - Thank you!)
Greek Mythology: Greek Gods and Goddesses on Tarot Cards (Suggested by Ava B.- Thank you!)
Internet Women's History Sourcebook
Johnston's Private Life of the Romans
LitCharts - Mythology Literature: Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Mythology
Midwives and Maternity Care in the Roman World
Mysteries of Ancient History and Archaeology - The Amazons
Primitive Ways
Pygmalion Project - Amazons
Roman Army in the Late Republic and Early Empire
Roman Army Page
Roman Empire
Roman Naming Convention (names)
Roman Nomenclature (names)
Torrey Philemon's Muses
The Tragedies and Comedies of Ancient Greek Theatre - USC (Suggested by Sam B.)
Unyezile (Turkish areas explained.)
War and Gender: Amazon Women
Women in Greek Mythology
Women of Rome

Portrait Sites
Amazon Image Gallery
Women of Fantasy
*Please be sure the images are not copyrighted, or are available for not-for-profit use. If uncertain, please check with Deoris, who has a partial list of these names.

Other Sites of Note
20000 Names
Help Save The Wolves
Toasted Cheese (A writing community & Ezine)
Witches' Voice


Last updated: December 2018
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