page celebrates the TENTH year of
Themiscyra and the
Amazons who populate it. Below you will find tributes to
our tribe, from our tribe.
It is my honor as the current Queen of
Themiscyra to welcome you all to the celebration page for our 10th
Themiscyra was founded on September 19th, 1999,
when the very first forum opened wide it's arms and embraced the
women who wanted to role play Amazons. To those women who stepped
through the gates, we celebrate you today even though you are not
among us any more. Without you, we would not have each other.
Please enjoy the offerings of the sisters of
Themiscyra to the sisters of Themiscyra.
Opah Nodil, Themiscyra!
*Note - Some graphics are
small on this page to conserve space. Just click to enlarge.
music you are hearing is "Sacrifice" from Buffy the
Vampire Slayer episode "The Gift".

Please proceed to Gmail (click) and sign in:
username: tavoto.mousike (tribal music)
password: durusarcis (homeland strong)
To download a selection of music Faela has
dedicated to the tribe. There are 30 songs in all. Please do not
delete or archive the songs. Click to view the mail, then click to
download the tracks.
Please note: Song 3 is now in the gmail account!

I'm happy to hear that Themiscyra and its members are still going strong and supporting one another. The love and devotion that the members over the years have shown for the group is astounding and astonishing and heart-warming and just plain wonderful. Here's to 10 wonderful years, and hopefully many, many


Click to enlarge.

*Jadea made quite a lot of graphics for the
anniversary and they are scattered throughout the page.


I know I missed people, but I was trying to capture some quotes that
were funny or could easily be taken out of context. I meant no
disrespect by forgetting anyone.
*Like Jadea's, these will be scattered

Alexandra has linked to some fine videos she
found that shows how she feels about Themiscyra.

Kou Wainohia

the midst of the battle, ever-raging
the world
the people
few stand tall, proud.
are the warrior women,
by those who don't understand,
on by those who can't fight alone.
the chaos of life, ever-present
the world
the people
few crawl out of the obsidian depths, disciplined.
are the warrior women,
in the face of adversity,
as water in the face of others' pain.

the secular twist of the fate, ever-changing
the world
the people
few create a better place, survive.
are the warrior women,
since the dawn of time,
into the future generations.

Quecia & Lupa

We women have been Athelfi and warrior women for ten years now. Nai, this is a time for celebration of Themiscyra and commemoration of our Foresisters like our
Gienasata Celosia and the others like Medea, Thalia, etc.
It seems not long ago that I looked for a role playing group of warrior women on the internet. There, I found Themiscyra, Amazon Nation. The women there had similar tastes as I. I quickly applied for membership and was quickly accepted. I had a feeling that I would develop friendships that would last a long time; I did. I also felt that Themiscyra would be a good place to sharpen my writing skills, and it was (with the help of you, my Athelfi).
So, as it says on the first page of our website:
"Welcome to Themiscrya, Land of the Amazons!"
My dear Friends and Athelfi, may we always be around to extend this greeting to our sister warriors.



Click to enlarge!
Myla has composed a video for you to watch.
Click to follow!
(Oh...and more to come!)


I wrote this about the way Themiscyra as a whole makes me feel. All the sister's in it, the power of all the love that is in the tribe and the power of friendship. Knowing that you are all there for me is something I've been amazed by over and over again. Witnessing the caring in which is presented time and again is just astounding to me and I feel truly blessed to have that in my life.
I love you all.

Love Selena
Whole Again
When I am lost,
You find me.
When I’m unable to breathe,
You coax the air into my lungs.
When I’m feeling abandoned,
You collect me up within
and help make me feel whole again.
A reawakening of the spirit,
Of past,
Of love,
Of life,
Of infinite wisdom.
You gather me.
You fill me.
You protect me.
You love me.
I am whole again.
By Selena



(More to come!)

To each and everyone of my sisters thank you for being the biggest constant and best friends in my life. You all truly help me to be



Unfortunately, I didn't finish all seven before the deadline but I am continuing to work on the ones remaining! When I finish them I will most likely post them in the forums. I also have multiple versions of these and will post those as well as soon as I get the remaining four done. I hope you all like them and think they are an appropriate anniversary gift; I am open to any opinions and feedback. Happy Anniversary

To all my athelfi,
I was working on a video for our great
celebration. Unfortunately I could not finish it in time because
we where struck by an invasion of bugs we had to get rid of and my
assignment took about half a week longer then expected. Therefore
I was unable to express my feelings for my athelfi.
That is why I write you wonderful girls this
letter. I don’t want you to think I have forgotten about you
because you are all on my mind every single day. You ladies are
the best thing that has ever happened to me. I found Themiscyra in
a time when I was very low. Every time when I thought I had hit
rock bottom I kept falling even further. Some athelfi know what I
am talking about. They shared their wisdom with me, they let me
cry, wine, laugh, shout whatever I needed to do, they let me do it
and stood by me. Themiscyra was the only bright thing in my life
and it has turned it around.
I now feel like a strong in depended woman. I
can stand on my own two feet and make it out there in the big bad
world. I can do that because I know every single one of you has my
back. And, my sweet sisters, I have yours. You made me stronger
and I don’t know how to pay every single one of you back for
that, besides the fact that I can tell you how much I love you
all. I can tell that, but please know that words can not show you
how much love and affection I have for you athelfi.
I am proud to be Tae’nah and I say:
Cu ena durus Tae’nah arcis!





Myla would like you all to visit her new YouTube
channel - where she has 2 videos waiting for you! Be sure you
watched her first video first!




This is a power point presentation.
This powerpoint was created using Microsoft Powerpoint 2007. Whenever you see a megaphone icon, click on it to hear a
sound byte. The music you should hear throughout the presentation is the song "Irish Heartbeat" by Van Morrison.
In order for the PowerPoint to work, please go
to the Tavoto Mousike site as you did for Faela's music, download
and save the file, then open.

Livia / Eve
My super top-secret hush-hush gift. I sent
Adrienne a message on Facebook and was STUNNED when she replied -
with this message for all of you. She was just amazing
about this gift and enjoyed her visit to our website very much. I
shared the past tribute pages and will be sending her this one as
This is verbatim what she sent. Please enjoy!


As usual, I made something for everyone.
Basically, it's your portraits done with fancy frames. In most
cases, I followed a lesson plan that made the frame. However, by
the end, I was making them up as I went. So some are unique
creations. Don't ask me which was which, however! LOL! I hope you
enjoy them!
Please go
here to view. There are 2 pages!
And you can click the thumbnail to view the 2009
Year 10 Montage!

Thank you to everyone who had a hand in the
celebrations. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Your
contributions were all lovely and heartfelt.
Thus ends the
celebration page!
So begins year