page celebrates the ELEVENTH
year of
Themiscyra and the
Amazons who populate it. Below you will find tributes to our
tribe, from our tribe.
Year 11 kind of surprised us this year. We
were all still riding high for year 10! As a tribe we gave
ourselves only 10 short days to gather, create, and
celebrate the Tribe we love so much. I think we did
wonders for so short a time.
Thank you all for being part of Themiscyra. Each of you
is unique and wonderful and bring your own color to the
tribe. Celebrate your differences and your similarities
while looking through the offerings. |


Some of Jadea’s favorite Athelfi Tir moments this year!
* Alexandra sharing that she saw a real live bald eagle flying over a lake.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: This is so definitely something an Amazon would marvel at and appreciate.
* Camilia sharing some of the poems from The New AmazoNation website.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: Well, I’ve read them before because I’ve visited them many times; but it’s like Tara said “It is so good to revisit some of the old, it has so much to give. And often, I see things differently or more clearly now then then.”
* Chou sharing a dream she had about Amazons.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: I’ve dreamt about Amazons, myself. Sometimes I can’t remember the dream, only the vaguest parts. Other times, the memories of the dream remain very vivid for me. I wonder if they’re strangely prophetic or indicative of previous lives.
* Many of the jokes Kiran posts (far too many to list them individually).
Why it’s something Jadea loves: Some of them make me laugh and shake so much I nearly wet myself! They’re definitely medicinal, sometimes so very very truthful, and always a good random break from our life’s trials and tribulations.
* Alexandra’s April Fool’s Day Prank.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: Ever so random, the subject line had me intrigued and her punchline slayed me.
* Etelka returning to us at long last in her “Honey, I’m Home” announcement.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: Well I missed her, obviously, and it was just so darn shocking to hear she’s finally freed!
* Paidi’s night with swords and moonlight.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: It’s very Amazonian, just look at her pictures!
* Tara posting that there’s a second henge at Stonehenge!
Why it’s something Jadea loves: I haven’t even been to see the original Stonehenge-- now I got to see a second one! (It’s incredibly cool to me).
* Philomena returning to us and sharing her engagement news, talking to us about her
fiancé and their plans.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: Love is worth celebrating!
* Faela’s return to us and her (somewhat funny, somewhat sober) explanation as to why she’s MIA for so so long.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: Faela so very effortlessly segues her return into a conversation about GAMING! Totally classic Faela.
* Astraea posting about her trip to NYC and her revelation about the insanity that is the price of everything in NY.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: I already knew it, but I think it’s something each Amazon should discover in her own adventure....and Astraea had a wonderful adventure I sorta envy her for.
* Damia’s return to us and her announcement about Tribal Rhythm IV.
Why it’s something Jadea loves: Muahahahahahha! Ahem. Always feels good to get an athelfi back here.
Quilt! This
is still in the works, but is her pattern for making an Amazon
Quilt. She wanted to share her design with you all. I put these
together, so the real quilt may differ once made. It's a
crocheted one and each square gets made by hand. She's promised
a picture when she finishes! 
can view the individual patterns by clicking on each below. 

Rowana wants to share a video
with you!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtmhF3t8h3A is
the link if the below doesn't work.

New Icons
They're all 100x100, so they should be usable for most things
like MSN, Skype, LiveJournal, etc. Feel free to use as you like,
if you like. Some are kind of cheesy and I have issues with text
sometimes, but some are good and "award winners" too.


to view a "PicSpam" of
Hooves and Harlots.


has designed a village map for everyone. Take a look here!
(Click to enlarge! Use "back" button to return to


10 Reasons Why I Love Themiscrya:
1. Your quirky, zany, genius sense of humor that lifts my low spirits, brightens my dreary days, and heals my pained heart.
2. Your generosity of time, support, energy, advice, and more!
3. Your collective commitment to independence for women and empowerment for girls.
4. Your super-creative stories!
5. Winter Solstice celebrations- they are always a blast and bring so much healing, renewing strength.
6. Group tribe voice chats and IM chats with Athelfis!
7. Amazon birthdays!
8. Amazon births!
9. Amazon attitude!
10. Amazon heart!
There’s more than 10 but I thought I’d limited myself to the top 10 reasons which leaped to mind!

Selena wants to share a video
with you!
is the direct link if the code doesn't work for you!


Themiscyra, Eleven Years Old
Leinsata Valkyra
Will there be more anniversaries for Themiscyra Amazon Nation? By the Great Goddess, I hope so. And, I hope that we’ll all be around to celebrate them. Rejoice to the glory of the Women Warriors of Themiscyra!
"Besides being courageous and bold, Amazons were also looked upon as warriors with dignity. Amazons are never shown as cruel, perfidious or cowardly."
~ The Amazon Research Network
"Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but sometimes war has no commandos like a woman armed."
~ Topical Press Agency
"Woman must not accept; she must challenge.
She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her;
she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression."
~ Margaret Sanger
"In general Amazons are depicted throughout the various accounts as outstanding female warriors living in societies in which they were in control of the wealth and in the positions of political dominance."
~ Elizabeth Hailey
"I am claiming what's mine, and my dignity,
From those who live in this society of vanity.
I am claiming back in full my heritage.And as a warrior woman, I am going to clean up many years of carnage."
~ Lady J-Ann
"Just because we are not the kind of women you would like us to be, make no mistake, these are women. Women who will not be controlled by men, not beaten down, not bought and sold like oxen. Men will never dominate these women.
~ Queen Hippolyta
Sisters fight. Don't they? Tears, and lies and, Betrayal. Late nights and unspoken messages; and the hidden glances.
Bracelet, dangling, jingling with all those silver meanings. All those memories, suspended in time and space in that little oval, with the lock of hair.
Secrets. Told and untold. Days in that room, hours, months - sitting, waiting for the truth. The truth hurts. But still you stay.
Music, to have and to hold, for better, or for worse. Loud. Silence means more. Re-payed hugs that are just for show. No meaning.
We don't need words. A look shall suffice. Sister, as I plait your hair, as we fight and cry, taunt and tease. I need you here.
It doesn't matter we don't match. Our hearts do. And I never believed in soul mates. But maybe I always knew, somehow, you would have the answer.
~ Hazel Hill
combination submission!
Just a bit of fun. LOL

had this conversation on Skype: [1:32:48 PM] Deoris: Hey, you could be doing it too.
(making gifts for Themiscyra)
[1:32:57 PM] Deoris: Or looking at vids to send me the links to.
[1:33:01 PM] Deoris: Or pictures to link to.
[1:33:04 PM] Deoris: Or something.
[1:33:10 PM] Deoris: Or writing a note that says, "I LOVE THEMI!"
[1:33:11 PM] Deoris: ;)
[1:33:20 PM] Deoris: Or.....not. [1:33:28 PM] Liska Herig: I get the Hint
Latra [1:33:52 PM] Deoris: Was that a hint?
I'm thinking it was a smack upside the head with a sledgehammer.
[1:33:54 PM] Deoris: Meh.
[1:33:55 PM] Deoris: ;)
[1:33:58 PM] Deoris: ROFLROFLROFL
[1:34:26 PM] Liska Herig: HEY no abuse nesscary
[1:34:31 PM] Damia: lol
[1:34:35 PM] Deoris: heh
[1:37:06 PM] Liska Herig: I am fragile
[1:38:45 PM] Deoris: Well, don't break. :)
[1:41:12 PM] Liska Herig: *shatters into little Lilo pieces
[1:41:23 PM] Deoris: HEY!
[1:41:31 PM] Liska Herig: Keep the duck away
[1:41:32 PM] Damia: LOL we could put up a "Lilo" puzzle for the anniversary
Which of course meant Deoris had to do this:
(roll your cursor over the 'loading' and it will load)
[2:34:31 PM] Liska Herig: see Mia and I contributed to the Anni
[2:34:34 PM] Deoris: ROFL
[2:34:36 PM] Damia: YAY!
[2:34:50 PM] Damia: buys me more time to work on my actual gift lol
[2:34:55 PM] Liska Herig: Write Mia and Lilo Love Themi
[2:35:00 PM] Damia: :D
[2:35:15 PM] Liska Herig: so for the pleasure of the tribe here's a puzzle
And there you go.


Things you MIGHT hear in Themiscyra
A slideshow by Jadea.


click and choose "save as" to save to your computer. Click
here to download the MP3 "Welcome" (The background
song.) Click
here to download the MP3 "So Beautiful" (The song in
Rowana's video.)

Thus ends
the celebration page! So begins year Twelve! Many
thanks to everyone who made this celebration possible!
