As we celebrate Themiscyra's 16th anniversity, we should remind ourselves of our inner core of strength which has held we empowered women together and to go out to fight the lack of equality to which we still face.
That Which Has Been Said About
We Women of Enpowerment
Queen of Rostovia
Warrior Woman of the Caucasus Mountains
Leinsata of Themiscyra (Former Queen)
Tasida Cild Archila (Former Weapons Mistress)
The Empowered Woman
by Sonny Carroll
The Empowered Woman, she moves through the world
with a sense of confidence and grace.
Her once reckless spirit now tempered by wisdom.
Quietly, yet firmly, she speaks her truth without doubt or hesitation
and the life she leads is of her own creation.
She now understands what it means to live and let live.
How much to ask for herself and how much to give.
She has a strong, yet generous heart
and the inner beauty she emanates truly sets her apart.
Like the mythical Phoenix,
she has risen from the ashes and soared to a new plane of existence,
unfettered by the things that once that posed such resistance.
Her senses now heightened, she sees everything so clearly.
She hears the wind rustling through the trees;
beckoning her to live the dreams she holds so dearly.
She feels the softness of her hands
and muses at the strength that they possess.
Her needs and desires she has learned to express.
She has tasted the bitter and savored the sweet fruits of life,
overcome adversity and pushed past heartache and strife.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her.
A woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.
No matter how many rocks she has stumbled upon,
her faith and strength remains intact.
I believe in myself, I am a strong woman! I will reach my goals.
Nothing and no one shall hold me down!
A strong woman knows how to keep her ferocity. With tears
in her eyes, she still manages to say, "Nai, I can fight on."
A strong woman is independent, knows who she is,
accomplishes her goals, relies on no one, and
can overcome any obstacle thrown in her way.
I am a strong woman; I don't need a
relationship to define who I am, I'll be fine.
Being a strong woman leader means being respectful
of everyone. It does not mean being
tolerant of every behavior.


 with her Hunting Golden Eagle - kiran.jpg)

My sisters,
We have had such a long and rough year, which has not gone unnoticed. I am proud how we have overcome this obstacle and manage to keep strong as a tribe. We may not be as active as we once were, but we are getting there. Themi is our home and I wish nothing more then for all of you to feel safe, loved and protected within our boundaries and far beyond.
I want to say that I love you all and I feel blessed that we are celebrating together. So here is a tiny note to all of you. I hope I haven’t forgotten any one… if I did I am terribly sorry and should be put to shame. Just remember that I love you all though!
Jade: I love your witty comments and our playful banters. You always know how to make me laugh. Thank you for that.
Deo: You rule this tribe with your heart and you watch over us as a mother watches over her children. You make me feel so loved. Thank you for that.
Brys: You and I have bonded a lot this year, if not over paleo then history and other interests. I love how respectful you are of other people’s opinions and
how open you are. Thank you for that.
Kyra: Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me. I am always looking forward to read your articles because they broaden my horizon. Thank you for that.
Kiran: You kept the tribe alive single handedly and have not nearly received enough credit for that. You are amazing! Thank you for that.
Tara: Although you are sick and you might not be able to read this, I want you to know that you are loved. Just as I know you love us all. Thank you for that.
Selly: I’ve came running to you so many times this year and you never once turned me away. You are literally a lifesaver! Thank you for that.
Alex: I love your posts; they always turn the story into an unknown direction. You are so incredibly creative. Thank you for that.
Telka: I have missed you at my side and as my partner in crime. I hope your Internet will work soon. You know how to keep us all working.
Thank you for that.
Rhy: You are my cosmic twin. You know how to read my mind even if we don’t have as much time to speak. You are always there.
Thank you for that.
Mia: If somebody knows how to make me feel safe and loved it is you. I am blessed to be able to call you my friend. Thank you for that.
Will: I know you are busy with your beautiful little girl, but somehow you always manage to squeeze in a hello. Just know how much that is appreciated!
Thank you for that.
Syka: We have had our ups and downs. You know me better then most people and you accept me for who I am. That is true love right there.
Thank you for that.
Kiki: I’ve missed you a lot this year since you are so busy. Just know that we are here when you are ready to come home. Keep us in your heart, like
I know you do. Thank you for that.
Kou-y: Whenever I drink a cup of coffee I think of you. Queen of the hugs! Thank you for that.
Fae-Fae: You are my personal Narnia. Whenever I talk to you or whenever I read your stories I get drawn into this magical world. I love every
second of it. Thank you for that.
Thizzy: I know I’ve not always made things easy on you and I do apologize for that. Your kindness and love is not something I take for granted though. I am blessed
to have it. Thank you for that.
Leo: If I love one thing about you, it is your enthusiasm, your ability to take an idea and just run with it. You take us to adventures.
Thank you for that.
Lyka: It’s safe to say that we’ve gotten to know each other a lot better this year. Something I treasure a lot. You know how to spark my imagination!
Thank you for that.
Astra: I hope that you know how much you are loved and appreciated within the tribe, because you make sure everybody else knows.
Thank you for that.
Valen and Ana: Even though you ladies have ventured of to other adventures (congrats on that btw), you are still a part of the family. I love you and I know
you girls love me. Thank you for that.
Lilo: Like seriously…. Who blows up a hut? Well a genius, loving and amazing athelfi that is! Your humor and kindness is aspiring and I am blessed that you
are my sister. Thank you for that.

-Due to some technical errors,not all pictures can be turned-
Here are pictures we took at the full scale size replica of the Parthenon in Nashville, TN.
This is the statue of Athena that stands on the top floor of the Parthenon in Nashville, TN. It is colossal and although there were people inside, it really felt surreal and as if one
was visiting a temple to Athena.

The amount of detail in there is truly stunning.

Finally, I wanted to send along the link to the official website along with something I wrote regarding how it felt for me to be inside the Parthenon.

It's not precisely a time-travel feeling, but something very close to that which grips you. Upon entering the great room, we were two of perhaps a grand
total of 4-5 people. The longer we remain, the more people arrive-- but every one of us, camera in hand, seems to share a silent understanding that
we are in sacred space. It's quieter than the peace in a library. I stare at Athena, marveling at the magnificence of size, of color- and the details.
She has bright blue eyes which immediately remind me of Paris Jefferson's incarnation of the goddess Athena in XWP. The eyelashes are truly
mesmerizing, as is her shield and overall stature. There was a donation box off to one side of the pillars. I donated all my loose change-
my small contribution so that future generations could visit and see Athena and see the Parthenon.
We stopped in the gift shop and I looked for something small to take with me- bought a $2.00 poster of Athena I'll frame at home, a magnet of
the Parthenon for the fridge, and something for Dan. It's not the Parthenon in Greece but it's for sure an experience that whisks you into another realm.
I hope you enjoy these pictures, Tae'nah Athelfis.
Happy Anniversary, Themiscrya!