page celebrates the FIFTH year of Themiscrya and the
Amazons who populate it. Below you will find tributes to
our tribe, from our tribe.

My Athelfi, my Tribeswomen,
On this day, we celebrate the founding of the Amazon
Tribe of Themiscrya. Today we rejoice the creation of a
Sisterhood. For five years Themiscrya has become a
mental safe haven for women who cannot and for
women who do not want to exist in the sub-human
status of the female role found throughout the known
The majority of countries and empires are dominated
by men, usually evil men. Those males who are not evil,
dominate women though custom. As most of us know, women
throughout the land are considered and treated as
chattel, as just another animal to be owned and
used for the male’s benefit.
Women and girls still suffer the most from
violence, like war and rebellion, and from domestic
violence, like rape, battery, incest, and sexual abuse.
This violence is so common and widespread that it is
recognized among the most significant causes of female
disability and death. Women are the primary victims of
sexually transmitted diseases and female genital
mutilation is still the mainstay in many societies.
In many families, the husband or patriarch is usually
disappointed when his woman gives birth to a female.
Girl babies are routinely killed because they are
considered of little value and less human (if at all)
then boys. Males can be used as laborers in the in the
fields and factories, but it is mostly the females who
are sold into slavery and marriage.
But do not despair, my Sisters, for there are
and Tribes of women like us who have learned
their self importance, their intrinsic value of being,
their essence of worth as female. Today, we celebrate
these women and girls. We celebrate ourselves as Amazons!
May the feminist spirit of Themiscrya live
in every woman’s heart and mind.
~ Valkyra, Queen of Themiscrya Amazon Nation

Samsara ~
I joined
the Tribe in May 2000 strictly to write about Amazons
and my character. I’m so happy I did because I’ve
come away with many friends who still talk to me after
all these years. I want to thank Celosia for starting Themiscrya
because she has brought together so many women of
different places. We’ve dealt with a myriad of
situations, such as getting the Athelfi to post in order
to interact, changes to the website, changing of the
website, and a new forum for us! And each time we’ve
come out stronger than before. It’s testimony to the
power of women that I hope to see in the Army.
given me so much to look forward to when I return and I
think of you every day while I’m on this mission in
Iraq. I am Amazon when I’m out on the range, so much
so that the name band on my helmet says Amazon on the
side and when people ask me what that means, I talk
about a band of sisters that came together for a common
reason who became stronger each day they were together.
They look at me funny when I say that, but I know it’s
true, and I know they don’t understand, but I am still
an Amazon anyway whether they like it or not.
My words
of advice for everyone, from the oldest member to the
youngest, is to live and love your life as you were to
die tomorrow and never ever let a man put you down for
any reason. If you show yourself as dependent to a man,
he will treat you as a dependent.
strong; show your will; NEVER BACK DOWN! HOOAH!
~ Talis
My Favorite Moments of My First Year
in Themiscrya
Outside of the Tavita, it has to
be when I got accepted into the Tribe. That was one of
the happiest moments of my life, and one of the best
things I have ever done!
In the Tavita, well, it was oh, so, hard
to decide, but it came down to be **drum roll, please**
the Summer Solstice Games! Okay, so the games were my
half-baked idea, but that's not why I chose them. From
the moment I read Thalia's first game post, that had me
diving into sand and getting a mouthful, thank you very
much, to Deoris' last game post, oh, you know, the one
with my infamous trip ( luv u 2, Deo ), and every post
before, in between, and after, it was clear this was
going to be a day to remember! All the posts were so
much fun for me to read and I enjoyed them all! It was
your posts that may the Games my favorite moment, and,
like my character, I will remember that special day in Themiscrya,
with great fondness, for a long time to come!!! :)

Deoris ~
Most memorable moment: I just can’t forget the
minute I realized what I could do with the mysterious
blonde sorceress who was plaguing me. I was talking with
Jadea, as usual, and just hashing out with her some
things when suddenly, it hit me. I knew exactly who the
mystery woman was.
It made so much sense. She’d cured my blindness; I
was never afraid of her; she had kidnapped me, but not
harmed me; and she allowed Thalia to come and rescue me.
All very strange actions…unless she had an ulterior
motive. She did. She was my sister.
It was just one of the best moments ever. To tie
everything up with a neat bow when I’d had no idea
what had been going on. Jadea had no objection, even
though she had created the character. It was so genius.
Mind, Jadea still knows more about who my sister is
than I do, I think. Not that we haven’t spent many an
hour yakking about her nature and what she can and can’t
do, we have. Lots of hours, in fact. But that was just
one of those beautiful writing moments.
Favorite moment: My favorite moment is when I added
to the first "Lord of the Twisty" installment
with the very simple line, "I know that joke. Two
hobbits walk into a bar . . ." and everyone wanted
to know the end of the joke. It wasn’t a joke! I made
it up! If there is a joke that begins like that, I sure
haven’t heard it. Trust me, there are hobbit jokes
abounding, I’m sure. Still…every once in a while
someone asks . . . what’s the end of that joke?
Etelka ~
I'm sorry that
I haven't been around much, with college and work I have not had any
time. I didn't write this poem, but it is about the Amazons, I thought
it beautifully represented the Amazon sisterhood and I hope that you can
use it for the anniversary page, I think its a wonderful poem and would
be a nice addition.
The Golden
Thru the world its beaten ages,
Warriors, Kings, and wisdom sages,
Tell the tales of golden shields,
Silver Axes, Gorgon fields.
Medusa moon and Ares war,
Gave their skill to them and more,
Chariot wheels flew their course,
Warrior women upon the horse.
Skill of bow and arrows gold,
Double axe the blade so bold,
Golden shields brightness sun,
Blinding light their foes would run.
With Gorgon head upon their breast,
Queens of glory golden chest,
Warrior women of the best,
One by one they stood the test.
Peace and War two Queens would reign,
And take the battle to the plain,
Arrows flew like bees in flight,
Kingdoms men would run in fright.
No one could stand against their power,
Winters cold and summers shower,
Beating hearts of lioness prow,
Justice eyes upon their brow.
One by one their Queens would fall,
Until was gone the last of all,
But what it took was not by man,
To number them upon the land.
The heavens quarreled among the rule,
Of who shall reign upon the stool,
Favorites fought and favorites fell,
Among the Gods temples tale.
Until it was no more no queen,
No more the land the golden scene,
No more the horse and golden one,
No more The Golden Amazon.
Wings of Chariots and golden sun,
Golden horses forever run.
For upon the back of a horse you'll see,
An Amazon Warrior running free.
Upon the glory horse they rode,
Their Screaming, their yelling, their warriors code,
Axe of Silver Shield of Gold,
Summers heat and winters cold.
For thru the world its beaten ages,
Warriors, Kings, and wisdom sages,
Still tell the tales of golden shields,
The Silver Axes and Gorgon fields.
Dan Troxell

Deirdre ~
I have a lot
of favorite memories in this Tribe but the one that meant the most to me
was this: I
was looking through my computer awhile back and came across an old,
saved e-mail. As it so happens, it was the e-mail I sent to join the
Tribe. I was really new to typing then and of course I made a mistake, I
didn't realize it then, though. It was so embarrassing. But then I
realized the tribe had accepted me to be Sister even with my flaws
and that was the greatest feeling.
Bryseis ~
I love the moment when I was rescued from Radicus'
men. One of the guards stuck a knife into Golon's gut
just as he was about to tackle me. "Was it as good
for you as it was for me?"
The war with Radicus was exciting and then the fight
when Valkyra was challenged.
And, of course.... almost every post in Survivor!!!
Talis and the coconuts! Lilo and her monkey lover!
Leonie and the rainbow hair. Valkyra and the Lord of the
Flies. The list goes on and on. (I really need to tie
that up soon!!!)

Deoris ~
Five years.
That's a long time to be part of an internet group of any kind, much
less one based on a defunct television show. It's a dali long time for
anything, really. Some marriages don't even go this long.
I have been
proud to be a Themiscryan for four years now. I had a rocky start, but
have had nothing but fun since I became "active". I'm grateful
to Jadea for nudging me to post (okay, demanding) and to Celosia for
founding it and allowing me to join in the first place.
I'm proud to be
an Amazon, proud to be Themiscryan, and proud to be Lyna of this amazing
community of women.
pistevo benba Tae'Nah!

~ Alexandra ~
My favorite moment was when I joined this wonderful

~ Valkyra ~
I cannot give you just one favorite moment during my time within
the Tribe. For I have many such moments, and each moment has
been precious. But without a doubt, my best moment was when I
became Friends and Sisters with all of you, including those of
you who cannot be with us during our celebration.
Now if I can have a most memorable moment, then it would have to
be the time long ago when the Romans invaded Themiscrya land. It
would be the day when the Amazons fought bravely against those
skilled soldiers. Even the Amazons with little fighting
experience had to do battle with the invading Roman soldiers.
Valkyra had just been appointed Weapons Mistress and she tried
to do her best to protect her Sisters. Alas, there were so many
of the enemy that many Amazons had to fight more than one Roman
at a time. Such was the case with the Russian Warrior Woman.
Although Valkyra did her best to get to one of her best friends
to help fight off the numerous soldiers, she was not able to get
to her in time. Her dear friend, Megakleia, was disemboweled
right in front of her.
Valkyra screamed in horror. She quickly left the soldiers that
she was fighting and ran over to Megakleia, killing the man
blocking her way, the one who had just slaughtered her friend.
As Valkyra gazed at the disemboweled young woman on the ground,
her eyes began to water. She screamed again, this time in anger
and sorrow. She then turned to face the numerous Roman soldiers
who were still advancing. Dropping her shield, Valkyra took hold
of her sword with both hands and went at them.
Even the scrolls cannot tell us how many soldiers that Valkyra
killed that day before Samsara’s troops arrived. When all the
Romans in the forest were dead, Valkyra's Sisters said that they
had to hold the Warrior Woman and keep telling her that it was
over and that there were no more to kill. They said that was the
first time that they had ever seen their Weapons Mistress cry.

~ Selena ~
My favorite moment from being in Themiscrya
nearly one and a half years would most definitely be, "The
Lord Of The Twisty: The Two Catapulted." by Celosia, the
story had me in stitches, especially since Selena was in it and
Celosia rang her like a bell. hehehe.
I re-read it every chance I could get and it's probably still on
my other computer. I can definitely say that has been one of my favorite
~ Thalia ~
Favorite memories:
Stealing food from the mess hut with Seriana, and barely
Being stabbed, bitten, shot, crushed, frozen and mauled more
times than I want to remember (frequent visits to the Med Hut
anyone? They know me quite well by now)
Karon, the rogue Amazon who wandered into the regular forum
to proclaim she was the New Queen and we should all listen to
A few come-and-go Amazons who couldn't write a grammatically
correct and logical post if it was the last thing they did
Suddenly finding myself with Scouts under my training and
being part of the Delu Abacha. Wait, people look up to me?
Sharing of experiences and spirituality come winter solstice
Speaking of winter solstice... the snowball fight!
Also can't forget Celosia's wonderful rendition of the Lord
of the Rings, Amazon-style :-) The One Twisty!
And the Two Catapulted... Seriana and I are still recovering
from the bruises from being shot by that catapult.
And who could forget Amazons/Lord of the Caribbean/Ring!
How's that boat going to go anywhere if it's up on stilts?
Legolas! Hey, are those marshmallows?
Changing forums numerous times, from orange and black to
purple and black to Aimoooo
Being Scrollkeeper, but not able to keep up with it
More random NPC Amazons that I could never keep track of.
Dolphinea and Dolphina? Thalia and Samsara's Thaleia? Kept
confusing me when I was scanning posts :-)
I don't remember the Amazon... oh yes, Assai, she was trying
to create a character a lot like mine and some other Amazons,
hehe. Hmm... can morph into animals... Seriana is her best
friend... (unbeknownst to poor Seriana)
Morphing into another human being for I believe the first
time in the storyline posing as Eraste.
Our '25 things' lists!
The mean spirited Appaloosa in the stables whose storyline I
STILL have yet to work on.
More wars than we knew what to do with
The loveable, unlovable Medea
The switch to a new Queen Jadea, and later her own resign
Hippos, anyone?
IM chatrooms popping up at the most unexpected times
Being attacked for the second time by a fellow Amazon (Kou)
with amnesia.
Being knocked out in griffin form, dragged onto a wagon and
dumped in the animal yard, to have Cassia fall asleep on me.
Touching confessions between Kou and Thalia, helping one
another cope with their mistakes after the trader/pirate war
And of course, Talis's numerous misfortunes in the festival
events and beyond. Me trip her in my event? *innocent face*
Where's the next cast going, you Loony Libyan? ;-) You know we
love ya.
One of the memories I like (I can't say best, there's too
many) is the heart-to-heart between Kou and Thalia after the
Pirate war, because it was one of the few times when Thalia
really let out to someone how she felt, probably the most
vulnerable she was to someone in the Tavita so far. It was good
that they got to open up one another, and help each other out. I
thought it was a tender moment.
Thalia :)
~ Deirdre ~
~ Deoris ~
Being the over-zealous type, I also made each of you award
plaques you can put on your website or use as you'd like.
Here Thus ends
the celebration page! So begins year six!