page celebrates the SEVENTH year of Themiscrya and the
Amazons who populate it. Below you will find tributes to our
tribe, from our tribe.

As Latra of the
tribe, it is my privilege to open the Year 7
That this online group
of women has survived seven full years is amazing. In the coming
year, our tribe will officially outlive the shows we honor with
our writings.
Themiscyra is more than
a tribute to Xena and Hercules, it is a tribute to all the women
who fight daily for equality and true sisterhood among women. We
do more than write stories, we help each other find solutions that
honor Amazon traditions and ways of life. We share our strength,
we share our outlook, we share ourselves.
Going forward to Year
8, I hope all of you remember to be Amazons out of the community,
as you are all Amazons within it. Carry my respect as your shield,
my strength as your armor, and my love as your weapon.

of Honor Contest winner: Philomena
Honorable Mention to
Myla and Priene
to read the winning entry.
If you've ever been assigned the task to create your own
country, government, and society, then you might appreciate the
complexity and time involved in thinking and rethinking just how
you'd set up your own vision of how things could be. Luckily, I
had help.
Some time ago, an idea began to circulate
between a few of us of what an Amazon Nation would be like
TODAY. So, as something of a hypothetical game, we created an
Amazon Charter and its companion: Sacred Documents of the Amazon
I'm now giving to you the most recent version of
the futuristic/now Amazon world. I encourage you to continue
work on it as a tribe. Though incomplete, it's a good start in
my opinion, and I hope you will find it inspiring and useful. Cu
ena durus Tae'nah arcis!
The Amazon
Charter and Sacred Documents of the Amazon Nation can be found in a new
section of the Themiscyra website titled, "Amazon


This video was made for the Year 6 anniversary. Since she was
unable to participate due to a tragedy in her family, I decided
to leave this video up for Year 7. Thisbe - You are in our
hearts as was Grammy. This video expresses how WE feel about
has created a MUSIC VIDEO for us! Please follow the link to
watch this great movie she's created. You need Windows Media



Just over six years ago, I stumbled upon Net54
while looking for Xena sites. There,
I joined a site that reveled in all things Xena.
I was a freshman in college, looking toward my sophomore year.
I joined around my birthday and for a while I lurked.
Yes. I was a big lurker,
just like Deo, only for not as long. Then
suddenly, the writing bug hit me again and I wrote my first post.
It was a single-post thread I replied to, a post that had been up for
about two or three weeks. I
wrote in Sami, an arrogant, silver-spoon in the mouth type who had been sent
to Themiscyra to shape up to take over her own tribe.
I had no idea that this post was what everyone
needed to get rolling again. It
took about ten more days to close the thread and move to the next one.
Nothing like slave traders to get the juices going.
I'm patting myself on the back. But
if it weren't for the efforts of Seri, Thalia, Jade, Val, Medea – the list
goes on – the tribe would have died.
Yes, if it weren't for you guys, this would have died.
I came into a community where I made great friends and allies.
I made friends here I can turn to for support, friends who send me care
packages, emails, and letters when I go to Iraq.
I learned how to write better and include other characters, the
importance of character development, meaning what you say and saying what you
mean. I ventured over to
the chat forum and got to know everyone that way.
I even met Celosia and Jadea in person!
I met Cel in New York one winter day and Jade in Boston the summer
before basic training. I've
talked on the phone with them, Deo, Kou, and Philomena and keep in email or IM
contact with Brys, Selly, Venny, Fae… list goes on.
seen me through one failed relationship, my current relationship, three
hookups, college, basic training, a real war!, four jobs, a nephew, a
couple of deaths (although not posted), transition to civilian life, transition
to California!, debt, doubt, sadness, new used car, several apartments,
dial-up internet, two blown hard drives, shin splints, sprained ankles, Smelly
Cat, my cat, rumors, fights, drama, happiness, and everything in
between. Wow.
That's more than my family has seen, more than my boyfriend has seen,
more than people that have known me most of my life have seen.
all I can say is wow. How do you
put up with me!
is a toast to Themiscyra's seven lucky years and many more to come!
I leave you here with a silly rendition of Tenacious D's Tribute, re-worked
just for the anniversary:
is to the greatest and best Tribe in the world... Themiscyra.
time ago me and my Sister Tae'Nah here,
was hitchhikin' down a long and lonesome 'net.
of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon... in the middle... of the 'net.
he said:
the best tale in the world, or I'll eat your soul." (soul)
me and Tae'Nah, we looked at each other,
we each said... "Okay."
we spun our tales and found our way,
just so happened to be,
Best Tribe in the World, it was The Best Tribe in the World.
into my eyes and it's easy to see
one, Lyna two, Amazons make three,
was the Tribe for me.
every several hundred words or so,
Apollo doth shine and Selene doth glow
the Tribe doth grow...
to say, the beast was stunned.
went his schwumpy tail,
the beast was done.
asked us: "(snort) Be you goddesses?"
we said, "Nay. We are Tae'Nah."
ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah,
whoah, ah-whoah-oh!
is not the greatest tale in the world, no.
is just a tribute.
couldn't tell you the greatest tale in the world, no, no.
is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Tribe in the World,
right! This is The Greatest Tribe in the World,
right! This is The Greatest Dali-ali Tribe, The Greatest Tribe in the
ooh de flliga goo gee ooga fligoo giggoo ooh fligoo giggoo ge gee oogah
gee oogah geegoogegegee, fligoo giggoo,oh flig, oh mama Lucifer
the peculiar thing is this my friends:
tale we told on that fateful night it didn't actually sound
like this one.
is just a tribute! You gotta believe me!
I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion.
yeah! Good Arte, Arte lovin,
surprised to find you can't stop it.
right! All right!


To my Themiscyran Athelfi,
You know, I tried thinking of things that I could
do for this year's submission and I thought of doing another
graphic, but I've already done that and I couldn't think of what
to make for it anyway.
Then I thought, why not write a poem and just came
to the conclusion that this wouldn't convey my feelings very well
as I have not wrote a poem in a very long while. Plus, I'm not
usually very good at them unless I have a real urge to write one.
And I still haven't got that big kicking urge for some reason.
Then I thought what better a way than to tell
everyone here what Themiscyra is to me.
Themiscyra is second home, no matter that I don't
go there physically I go there mentally. And to everyone else that
is also in Themiscyra, you're a family to me. Even if we've never
spoken before you're still an Athelfi and all my love is with you
That's what Themiscyra is to me. Love.
Also to me, being an Amazon is something that is
in your heart. Not something you know is right (even though you
do) something that you feel is right inside. You don't let people
put you down because you fight that. It makes you an Amazon. You
don't let people walk all over, you stand up to that. It makes you
an Amazon. You love and support your friends and family and even
those you don't know. Because it's feels right. That makes you an
Amazon. Jadea once summed it up with the quote, "You've the
heart of an Amazon, that's the perfect place to begin."
All my love always, Selena


As usual, I made
something for everyone. I hope you all enjoy what I've created in your honor.
It is my pleasure, and my privilege, to be your athelfi.
Alexandra -
Amarinda - Bryseis -
Cassia - Chou -
Cypress -
Deirdre -
- Faela -
Jadea -
Karmeen -
Kiarna -
Kou -
Leonie -
Latrina - Myla -
Philomena -
Priene -
Rhyenna -
Selena -
- Thalia
- Valkyra -
Vatari -
- Willow 
I am
an Amazon at heart, I
knew it right from the start, Themiscyra
will always be my home, From
here I will never roam! I
am so very honored and happy to part of this Fantastic Tribe! You
are the BEST! Themiscyra rocks! Long
live Themiscyra!

From all walks of
life we come;
The fragile, the
shattered, the torn.
through the world alone.
Trust and
acceptance, unknown.
We emerge into a land of
A forest filled with
We are as the hind; all does.
Paralyzed with intimidation.
Can we compare to these
Strength and conviction
Their pride and determination
Dare we imagine becoming such?
They welcome us into their
Sharing their wisdom and
They help us to grow into
We learn and we train and we
We have broken free of our
We have become the women of the
We give ourselves new
Themiscyra is now our home as well.
And now WE are the women who stand in the forest,
Welcoming the ragged

has created two wonderful montages.
Here's a picture I drew of Selena and I. Not our characters,
but just us.
*Fist to Heart* ~Damia

I Am an Amazon
I stretch the string of my bow taut, bringing my
thumb to touch lightly on my chin. The thrill of the hunt, of
stalking my prey buzzes through me as I release my arrow. The
satisfying thud filters around me and the deer bounds away in
pain. I shoulder my quiver and bow and take to the trees. Tree
walking is an Amazon's choice of travel. We are in the trees as
a fisherman on his boat, a warrior in the heat of battle. Ten
beats of my heart and a large crash resonates through the
forest, the chase not long-lasted. I rest for a moment on a
sturdy branch and turn back towards the village to whistle out
the signal that the kill has been made. The sound is repeated
again and again until no more can I hear my sisters sending the
message back to our village.
Lowering myself to about two full body lengths
from the ground, I launch out of this sturdy protector. The
forest, so full of sounds of nature only moments ago,
anticipates the death ceremony that is to come in eerie silence.
i remove my custom crafted dagger from my boot and squat on my
haunches beside the unmoving but still warm animal. My sisters
arrive so quickly and silently that I am snapped out of my
revelry. As the Huntress of my village, it is my obligation to
teach my apprentices the animal death ceremony. This being, so
that when I select a new Hunt Mistress, I shall enjoy my
retirement peacefully. I will take comfort in the knowledge that
Gaia's great creatures shall be properly respected and their
souls set free in death.
The more experienced of my group set incense to
burning in a circle around this once great beast. I make a clean
incision with my ceremonial dagger across the animal's throat
and allow its blood to seep back into the earth. Indicating that
the other women should watch and imitate me, I thrust my arms
above my head and thank Gaia for her allowance to take the life
of one of her precious creatures. For an offering, I slice a
small lock of my raven-colored hair from the bottom, which is
nearly half my length, and throw it into the wind. May it help
some beautiful bird construct a sturdy nest for its young.
The next part of the ceremony requires a blood
sacrifice from me. Dutifully, I stab the point of the dagger
into one of my fingers on the hand that I do not use to hunt or
wield a sword. the blood droplets fall into the wet, red-stained
dirt beside my kill. In this instance, I thank the deer for his
sacrifice. He helps keep my family strong. Third and lastly, I
must thank Artemis, the patron Goddess of the Amazons. Some are
able to complete this part of the ceremony, but many of my
sisters are not. I begin the chanted praise to the only deity
that I give all of myself to. The blood from the dead beast is
warm as I dip my finger into the wound that I created on the
side with my bow and arrow. In mixing his blood with mine, I
bind us together, and he shall continue to live in on in my soul
as so many before him live. Then slowing my chant, I smear our
mixed blood on my cheeks and forehead.
The incense is burned almost to the ground.
those watching me stare in awe and admiration of my grace
delivery of the lengthy chant and the confidence in my every
move in the physical aspect. I feel the blood trickling down my
face before we have our ceremonial circle cleared and the beast
ready for transport. The insides are removed and placed in a
sack as is the meat we will use to make venison. I order four
younger charges to bring it to the cook's hut. Two more women
take the skin to the tanner to be dried, and then it will go to
the tanner's mother and be crafted into an article of clothing
for one of my sisters. I do not wish to keep anything for myself
but the antlers. This deer was larger than most. When I appoint
my replacement, I shall present her with a ceremonial head
covering made by this proud hunter's own hands.
The others leave to complete their assignments,
and I arrange the dirt of the death ceremony, covering the blood
pool, leaving no trace that we ever crossed the ground save a
few foot prints. I then take my dagger, bow, and quiver and
spirit towards the temple of Artemis. it is here that the
priestess will cleanse my dagger in sacred water and wash my
face with the same.
I hear the faint sounds of the birds chirping
once again in merriment. The blacksmith makes a clink, clink,
clink as she hammers her newest sword order. The blood is washed
form my face and dagger, and as I meander back towards my
village, a thought invades me. My loyalty, my courage, my mind,
my strength, my heart, and my soul belong to this village. I
would die for any one of my sisters as she would die for me. I
will never leave this place, my home. I am an Amazon.

Thus ends
the celebration page! So begins year eight! |