never seen her like this before," Seriana confessed to Xena
while she watched Gabrielle play with Karma.
Themiscyran was deeply troubled about two members of her family;
both seemed to have gone off the deep end.
sympathetic Gabrielle looked up from Karma. "I saw Jadea
return, Xena. What did she do to drive back Athena's army?"
Warrior Princess looked up from Seriana to her companion. Both
she and Seri were seated. Gabrielle stood in front of them,
holding a now quiet Karma. "Those medallions we got from
the Majie war are powerful. She harnessed their powers to send
out some kind of-"
A newcomer finished when she entered. The voice belonged to the
Highland Queen, Dolphinea. She, too, was upset by the recent
turn of events. "We've got reports from our scouts.
Athena's army has been destroyed," the Queen stated grimly.
Gabrielle's eyes widened. "What, all of them?"
Dolphinea nodded, Xena jumped to her feet. "Gabrielle, you
stay with Seriana," she turned her head to address the
Highland Amazon. "Queen Dolphinea, where is Jadea
woman hesitated in her confusion. "She's...with Queen
Medea, I believe."
Let's go."
Amazon scouts shouted from the trees. The tribal Queens came
quickly in answer.
Medea questioned the identity of the rider, it was Jadea who
received the answer when Themiscyra's Head Scout sent her a
mental message: A messenger who declares she has urgent news
for Jadea of Cirra.
her pass!" The Sorceress shouted, only to receive
questioning looks from her fellow Queens.
rider trotted in on a black Arabian horse. Her auburn hair fell
just above her shoulders. She let her hazel eyes travel from
Amazon to Amazon until they rested on the Sorceress Empress. The
woman dismounted and bowed her head to Jadea before approaching
with a rolled parchment. In Latin, she told the Sorceress that
the message came Angus.
nodded and thanked her before reading the parchment. Rome
knows. They've altered course to do battle with her at Greece's
line. Your orders, Jadea Sorceress Empress?
head instantly came up after she'd finished. With a look that
startled those who caught a glimpse of it, she gave her command.
"Move out. Stop them."
messenger seemed to understand, for she bowed her head with
something of a respectful smile on her face. As she left, the
other Queens inquired about the message.
expect a visitor to drop in unannounced. My Sisters, this war is
not over. We had a small victory over the gods, but we won't
hold it for long," Jadea declared. She was prepared to
speak again but all eyes turned to the sky as Samsara took
everyone's focus.
high above Themiscyra's lands Samsara circled, her eyes cast
downward upon her Sisters. The Goddess had decided to restore
the Rhea Ruby to Prince.
eyes darkened with displeasure.
smiled knowing the action signified her niece's return, her true
return. Only Artemis knew how long it would last.

nudged Prince down and landed him near her aunt. The other
Amazons parted for her and her Pegasus.
wore a long black cat suit which covered her entire body from
neck to ankles. She wore armor all around her body. A cape fell
from her shoulders,
in color. She wore all her weapons, ready for a fight.
Roma and the Gods want a war, we shall give it to them!"
she cried, pulling out her Hephaestian sword. She raised the
weapon high in the air to the cheers of her Teloans. The others
willing to fight joined in on the whooping. Her eyes glinted as
she rallied the Amazons.
had brokered a tense peace with Athena. She would rather the
Pantheon not fall so soon, but if it must, "Then so be
it," she said more to herself than to anyone else.
"Remember the responsibility you take on, Goddess."
Goddess did not hear or heed her warning. As she looked around,
she met eyes with every single Amazon she possibly could,
feeding off their energy and giving back her own. She decided
what was needed was a speech to prepare them.
march into battle, Amazons, as one Nation and we will be
victorious as one Nation. Our strength is not only in our skill,
but in our numbers. We shall be victorious against any and every
enemy that chooses to do battle with the most skilled of warrior
women. We are daughters of war and we shall become its master!
Do not sacrifice your lives for the Amazon Nation; make them
sacrifice theirs!" She sheathed her sword and pulled
out her royal Teloan staff. "As Queen Empress of the Teloan
Amazons and Master of War, herself-" by now she had sliced
open her palm and held it up to the sky.
my sword and my staff!" she continued.
who knew the refrain joined in. "By my dagger and my
promise of life!" Athanase added.
together, hundreds of rich voices said in unison: "FIGHT TO
voices filled the air and turned to whoops and cheers. The
voices seemed to fly to Olympus, straight into Artemis' ears.
The Goddess smiled, knowing her women were ready. Athena
meanwhile, furrowed her brows in anger.
want war?" she demanded of no one in particular. "THEY

of Caesar’s messengers came running up trying to catch his
breath. Caesar looked at him, wondering what was going on.
"Do you have something to tell me?" Caesar said.
Emperor, the Amazons are ready to attack. They want war,” the
messenger said panting.
began to smile a evil smile. "Why messenger, as a Roman, we
give people what they want and I will give those bitches a
bloody war. But the blood spilled will be theirs, and it will
stain all of this land. Then, the land is mine. Go to my
generals and tell them to get my army ready for battle. Tell
them to kill every Amazon save one – I want Zia brought to me.
And let Xena know that I was expecting her company."
Caesar’s smile disappeared and grew darkened. "Tell my
nephew Octavius to get ready for Zia. Tell him to be

Medea was all but enthusiastic over Samsara's newfound zeal for
war. Although the Queen Regent herself delighted in a good
fight, she felt that this fight wasn't going to be easily won.
sister immediately took her co-ruler aside. The look of fear
emerged in her eyes as she confided her concerns. "Jade,
this has gone too far. She has gone too far. If we don't do
something to stop this, the Nation will fall," she voiced
the confliction she felt. It was well known Medea disliked
Samsara. However, Medea's hands were tied since Samsara was
Jadea's blood and Medea needed Jadea on her side.
realize that, Medea. But I need her willing to fight."
Jadea, herself, knew the extent of darkness her niece battled
against. The slightest falter would send the Goddess over the
edge for good.
the Queen Regent questioned immediately.
she's going to lead her army and mine," the
Sorceress Empress replied, noting the dramatic change in Medea's
Queen became livid then. "You knew this would happen? You
knew? This was part of her plan, and you knew it!" The
woman's voice rose and drew the attention of all the Amazons
tribal Queens began to order their Amazons away, assigning tasks
that suddenly had utmost priority. Soon, the only witnesses were
the Amazon Queens, Samsara Athanase, and the Warrior Princess.
Medea, what's going on?" Marcella, who'd obtained a minor
injury in her time on the battlefield, stepped through the
others. Her eyes moved between the two Themiscyran queens.
now had a choice to make. She could reveal Jadea's plot, thus
weakening the bond of trust between the Queens. Or, she
could keep silent; and in so doing, support her Co-Queen. The
Queen Regent shot Jadea a look.
latter understood and silently displayed her gratitude. She
cleared her throat to address her Sister Queens. "Queen
Marcella, Medea and I were discussing our next course of
Amazon Queens exchanged glances, clearly not convinced of
Jadea's explanation. However, it passed when Seriana rode up
with her staff in hand.
Queens, come quick!" She yelled, followed by a procession
of the Amazon royalty.
swiftly did Medea, Marcella, Dolphinea, Cyane, and the others
react, none realized the timely, or perhaps untimely,
disappearance of the Sorceress Empress.

moving!" Seriana said, quietly but with furious urgency, to
the others who were perched in various places in a dominant oak
tree near the edge of the territory, where they could look down
on the low valley housing the Romans. They were all still, both
to keep from breaking branches and to keep from being seen by
the enemy watchers.
that size can't move very fast," Medea decided, "But
they're moving all right."
outnumber us dozens of times," Dolphinea hissed.
"We've got a couple of hundred at most. That's a whole
got my one thousand," Samsara offered. "And Seri has
her fifty, if we can get them here."
not enough. That's more than four to one."
don't have an Amazon under my command that couldn't beat four
Romans," Marcella declared.
strength increases exponentially," Seri said, as if she
were reciting a lesson, which she may have been, considering her
time studying under Ares. "Twice as many Romans have four
times as much power."
we launch an offensive?"
told us not to leave the woods. We're safer in here, where we
can disappear when we need to and they can't use those big
clumsy warhorses of theirs." Deinus shorted from the base
of the tree. "Hush, you. The strength of the Amazons is
their lands. I say we get archers in the trees and pick off as
many as we can, while we wait for the men to come in from
one asked you, Seri," Medea snapped.
eyes flashed. "As you say, my Queen."
need to go consult with Dachus," Samsara decided.
"Sending one thousand men against a Roman legion borders on
what if the gods tell the Romans where you are?" Seri
asked, keeping her voice low so Medea wouldn't have to snap at
her again. "The second you transport they'll feel it."
Sami looked sideways at her. "Hey, you think force, I think
stealth. You'd have to take Prince,” she said.
my horse out of these woods? Into catapult range? You're
you don't want to take Prince, I'll take Deinus. He's the
fastest horse in the camp, and he's not wounded."
you two shut up?" Medea hissed. "We're trying to think
over here."
looked dangerous and Seriana looked unnaturally calm. "I've
done my duty. It's up to the commanders and the armies now. Just
tell me what to do and I'll do it. Until you decide, Deinus and
I are going Roman-hunting." Deinus whinnied his approval.
"Shut up already, you great lump of useless horseflesh,
you'll get us killed. Why I couldn't have a proper bay mare like
a respectable Amazon I'll never know. And don't you look at me
like that."
and Xena both shook their heads. Seri insulted Deinus as
faithfully as she fed and groomed him, and the more she abused
him the more he loved her. She climbed down the tree and slipped
into the saddle, taking the reins firmly in her hands.
"I'll see you all in peace, victory, defeat, or battle, and
may you retain your honor in any case."
looked out again over the Romans, then down at her sister.
"Where's Karma?"
Gabrielle. She's fine."
bit her tongue. "I need to be sure."
on." Seri scooted forward on Deinus' back to give her
sister room to mount behind her.

Sisters went closer to the border. Dachus and Samsara's one
thousand soldiers, trained like Spartans and Amazons at her War
Academy, were watching the movement of the Romans. Her commander
was sure to wait for her word to move out.
Destroyer, Silver Hawk," Dachus said, lowering his head and
kneeling. Those about did the same. He stood as the women
dismounted. Samsara spoke first.
is Miletos, Macris' cousin?"
was aware that you may desire the help of your sister's
bodyguards, Great One," he answered. With a wave of the
hand, Seriana's fifty men stepped out of hiding. Macris met eyes
with his charge and they smiled.
Goddess nodded in approval. She looked out to the valley. The
legion knew that there was an army within the forest and a
barrier between them and Themiscyra.
believe that Caesar expects us to charge toward them."
astute," the Teloan answered. "It's quite obvious that
Caesar's heard of me and believes he can crush me."
name has traveled as far East as the Land of Eight Islands and
as far West as the edges of Britannia and Celtia," Dachus
commented. "As north as Scandinavia and likely further
south than the Sahara."
indeed is true," she breathed. She looked down and furrowed
her brows. "Prepare the archers. If Caesar wants to run,
let's give him a reason."
army wasn’t going to shoot just any kind of arrows. They were
shooting arrows with fuses at the ends of them. When Samsara
took her army East, she had picked up a few tricks.

the united league of Amazon tribes battled the hardened soldiers
of Rome, one of their own heard reports of the war on her
had journeyed across lands she'd never before stepped foot upon.
Thus far, her adventure had not been exceedingly dangerous. That
was soon to change as she and her traveling companion, Ean,
walked further north.
this time, the Amazon had grown accustomed to the man's nature.
Ean talked often, and at length, on nearly every topic under
Apollo. When he noticed that Celosia didn't care to hear anymore
of his Amazon upbringing, Ean opted for other stories he'd
the while the two traveled, a rather strong bond began to forge
between them. Celosia was wary of such feelings. Amazons
didn’t trust males easily by nature, even if they were related
to other Amazons. Still, Celosia's experience as Queen had
brought with it some lessons and consequently some wisdom. As
each day passed, she grew fonder of the young man.
far do you think we've come?" Ean inquired as the stopped
for a brief rest.
Themiscyran had said little in the past few hours, her mind
insistently drifting to the war her Sisters were engulfed in.
She had struggled to think of other things, and she had been
successful often. Once, the Amazon had caught sight of a flock
of birds that soared together in patterns. The image had a
humbling effect on the woman and also served as a bit of
inspiration. She composed a melody which she hummed that night
when they camped.
don't really know," Celosia answered distantly. She had
noticed some activity ahead.
two came to find that a warlord and his men had a line of slaves
roped together. The slaves, starved and tired, were being
marched westward. As Celosia and Ean neared the lot, the man's
eyes set upon one of the slaves in the middle - a young girl no
older than twelve years of age.
would later discover that the warlord was one of notoriety. His
name was Dracon and he was the son of Draco. Dracon reached and
surpassed his father's reputation. He made the fortune needed to
pay his men and fed his avarice by capturing people from
villages he plundered and selling them into slavery.
he met with Roman resistance, as he sometimes would while Rome
expanded her territory and control, Dracon merely pledged his
loyalty and support to whatever Roman general happened to be in
the area. To further appease Rome, Dracon offered them prime
choice of his litter of slaves.
Amazon and her comrade were now faced with a choice: to attempt
a rescue, or let the warlord and his property pass on by. It
wasn’t much of a choice for either of them.

back in the oak tree Medea said to Marcella and Dolphinea, “I
have to be sure that those two don’t get themselves in
trouble,” she declared. “Who knows what Samsara and Seriana
are doing out there!”
looked toward her Weapons Master. “Valkyra, take your company
of warriors and follow them. The Romans may have set traps.”
my Queen!” Valkyra answered. She then mounted her battle steed
and bid some of the other women to come down from the trees and
get to their horses. Although Seriana and Samsara had quite a
lead on them, they soon caught up, but stayed well behind so as
not to encroach upon the Great Destroyer. They were told by
Queen Medea just to keep a protective eye out for Samsara and
a considerable distance the Amazons watched the Goddess’s
archers fire explosive arrows at the Roman camp. Their acute
observation skills alerted them to something happening in the
forest towards Samsara and Dachus’s left rear flank. Valkyra
and her warriors saw that there were Roman infantry moving
through the trees. Apparently they were trying to mount a rear
surprise attack.
quietly told Scyreia to ride to Samsara and let her know about
the intended attack. She realized that Dachus’s men on watch
would not detect the Romans in time. She knew that she must
delay the Roman infantry long enough for Samsara to send part of
her army to counter the assault. If she didn’t, many of
Samsara’s men would be killed in the surprise attack.
that the trees were too close together to stay on their horses,
Valkyra and the others dismounted, formed a semicircle and fired
their bows again and again. This surprised and killed many in
the front line of soldiers. It also caused the Romans to believe
that there were more Amazons than what there were.
Romans quickly spread out and rushed the women. The Themiscyrans
knew that they would not have time to use their bows again, so
out came the swords and other weapons. Valkyra ordered her elite
warriors to attack and hoped that she and her sisters could halt
the Roman advance until Samsara’s army would become aware and
could take over the fight.
skirmish was especially brutal. Several women were killed during
the heavy fighting, but even more men were cut down by the
ferocity of the Amazonian warriors. The death of their sisters
incited the anger of the remaining women, thus making them even
more determined than ever to win the combat. Although the women
were greatly outnumbered, they would never be convinced of that.
who had just recently turned 19, was in her first real fight.
She was fighting a Roman who was well-seasoned in battle and
knew how to handle his broadsword very well. In spite of this,
the young red-haired Amazon was holding her own quite well and
would soon dispose of this soldier.
was constantly trying to keep herself in a position so that she
could help the less experienced fighters, but that was not
always possible. Valkyra often had to do combat with numerous
opponents at the same time so that she could not immediately
come to another woman’s aid. As quickly as the Weapons Master
slew the enemy, more would take their place.
an older, experienced Amazon who had scars to prove it, swung
her axe across a soldier’s neck. As he was falling, he dropped
his sword and reached out blindly, trying to grab on to
anything. That anything was Megakleia’s right arm. That gave
her opponent the opportunity that he needed to slash her open.
Megakleia looked down at her internal organs spilling from her
abdomen. She then sadly smiled at Valkyra and fell dead to the
screamed in horror. She quickly left the soldiers that she was
fighting and ran over to Megakleia, killing the man blocking her
way who happened to be the one who had slaughtered her friend.
As Valkyra gazed at the disemboweled young woman on the ground,
her eyes began to water. She screamed again, this time in anger
and sorrow. She then turned to face the numerous Roman soldiers
who were still advancing. Dropping her shield, Valkyra took hold
of her sword with both hands and went at them.
the scrolls cannot tell us how many soldiers that Valkyra killed
before Samsara’s troops arrived. When all the Romans in the
woods were dead, Valkyra’s sisters said that they had to hold
the warrior woman and keep telling her that it was over and that
there were no more to kill. They said that was the first time
that they had ever seen their Weapons Master cry.

the women held a saddened Weapons Master, Samsara turned to
Dachus and lowered her head. She commanded the men on the field
to pull their swords out and kneel on one knee. They removed
their helmets in respect and held a long moment of silence for
the fallen heroines. The Great Destroyer held her staff close to
her body, top fist over her heart.
Valkyra quieted, Samsara delegated duties. The dead would be
taken back to camp to be properly given their last rites and
ceremony. Those able to fight would regroup and those injured
and unable to be of service were taken back as well. As this was
an Amazon war, Dachus offered the services of some of the
soldiers to spare the able-bodied women from having to leave the
Teloan walked to the Themiscyran and bowed to her. "My most
humble words of condolence and gratitude," she said.
"You saved my infantry at a great cost and I will always be
indebted to you."
nodded. "We do what we must to survive, Samsara," she
younger lifted her head and took her forearm. "Ready to
roast some Roman carcass?"
bet," the Warrior Woman of the Caucasus Mountains vowed.
"You bet."
came out of the forest and saw the fallen Amazons. Her eyes
furrowed as she turned to Macris. "My father has something
to do with this. All of this." She knew her sister felt it
as well. Ares indirectly had something to do with the movement
of the Roman soldiers from the valley to the summit into the
her sister faltered in her step. Seriana and Dachus were the
only ones to see that. The others worked on their assigned
she sent, sadly. I got another premonition.

face grew pale as her sister's premonitions were becoming more
frequent. Silver Hawk, herself, had been known to have a
premonition or two. But hers always came in visions while she
slept. "Sami?" She asked, terror written in her eyes.
shook her head, as though dismissing the grave concern Dachus
and Seriana emitted. "I
have to get to Jade. She has to know. Seri, go back to camp and
check on Karma. I'll meet you soon," the Teloan directed
and didn't give her sister the chance to object.
began to run hard. On her eighteenth step she jumped into the
air and landed on Prince's back. The born again Pegasus reared
back before charging forward.
reached Themiscyra's camp before her Teloan Sister, Samsara
Athanase. The latter, although pressed for time, made a side
trip to the Amazon detachment standing over a ridge and some
reinforcement guard held their position, having received no
orders to pull back or push forward. Pike was in command of the
detachment, Amazons numbering twenty in total. She ordered two
scouts to the front. When she later heard both of them
whistling, Pike knew something was up.
when I say, not a second before or after!" She yelled,
following Medea's style of command in combat. It wasn't but a
minute later that Pike retracted her order.
your blades! Hold fire!" Her lungs carried the order across
the expanse her Amazons stood.
she said with a tightened jaw. The Goddess noticed Pike's
hostile nature towards her. She said nothing to the affect,
however, but kept her eyes on the woman's.
won the latest attack, my Sisters. Pull back to the forest and
rest yourselves." Samsara told them, immediately seeing the
defiance in Pike's face.
are not in command, here, Samsara," Pike hissed
angrily. She resented a challenge to the authority granted to
groaned slightly, annoyed by the inconvenience this posed.
Beneath her body, Prince's muscles tightened in restlessness. To
appease both horse and human, Samsara shrugged casually.
"So be it. But when Queen Medea asks why you've not
returned, I'll be sure she knows that I am not the reason.
Hiiiyah!" She yelled, turning Prince sharply around and
galloping the direction she'd come from. A few seconds later,
Prince took flight and carried his Mistress safely into camp.
the time Samsara found her aunt, news of a second Roman legion
had arrived. Most of whom had been defeated by Jadea's men under
Angus' command. The surviving Romans of this legion were the
last Roman soldiers in Greece. For the time being, Caesar could
not penetrate the Roman Amazons that lined the borders of
spotted Ardra perched on the top of the command hut. When she
moved to enter, the hawk flew at her suddenly and narrowly
averted a collision when she swooped over the Teloan's head.
"Hey!" She cried out for lack of anything better to
Amazon entered the command hut, where she found Medea and Jadea
sitting together alone. They seemed to have been in a discussion
until Samsara's voice outside silenced them.
Medea neither stood up nor said a word. Her gaze moved toward
the Amazon but returned to Jadea. Both Themiscyran Queens looked
eerily solemn. Samsara looked from one to the other twice,
finally resting her eyes on her aunt. "What the Hades is
it?" She screamed finally, her anger at their reactions
getting the better of her.
Sorceress Empress looked at Medea, whose own gaze still rested
on the former. Their eyes met, and Medea nodded slightly at
last. Jadea then slid her eyes back to her niece.
"Dolphinea," she said with a clear voice. Although
Jadea'd meant to say more, her eyes said the rest for her.
shook her head slowly in disbelief. "No. No. No."
stood up and stepped toward the Amazon. Samsara shook her head
violently and threw up her arm to keep her aunt distant.
Sharply, she turned on her heel and ran out of the command hut.
Jadea followed in two steps before she heard her Sister's voice
behind her.
her go, Jade."
Sorceress turned back around and stared at the space past Medea.
She looked into her Co-Queen's eyes when she spoke. "I knew
there'd be casualties. I just never thought that...I never
thou-" She broke off and looked away, ashamed of herself
for so many reasons.
know." Medea quietly said, her eyes fixed on the woman
before her.
the mountains of another part of Greece...
is run by fools." A highly respected Roman Amazon commented
to her prisoner - a Roman messenger with the misfortune to be
intercepted by an Amazon scouting party.
prisoner, a man of some years and a soldier's build, scoffed at
his captor. "A fool is a Roman who turns his back on
Rome," the man retorted, contempt in his eyes. For his
biting remark, he received a stinging slap across his face.
Amazon struck her prisoner so hard that her hand left a mark
upon his cheek. "A fool is a man who loses his life by
brandishing his tongue to his opponent," She hissed while a
dozen or so Amazons watched on. "I will ask you this once
more. Where is Julius Caesar headed?"
man stood silent with prideful stubbornness. The message he'd
been carrying was already in the Amazons' hands. The problem was
that the message had been scribed in code which could be
interpreted more than one way. The Amazons could neither afford
nor were they willing to take the risk of deciphering it
Roman Amazon turned from the man for but a moment. She looked
into his eyes again. What she saw she knew to be the Roman
bearing, the poise of a Roman soldier. "Release him."
She instructed calmly. Immediate gasps and voiced objections
were heard, but the woman stood by her command.
prisoner was unbound and allowed to leave, however reluctantly.
Once he passed beyond earshot, the Roman Amazon turned to her
right arm. "Follow him. When you know where he's going,
kill him."
the Amazon nodded and moved to comply, an addendum was made to
the order. "And make sure that Rome finds his body."
woman stared across her camp into the far stretches of Greece.
She made a silent prayer for their queen.

and a small band of soldiers rode toward the Amazon village.
Some of the Amazons rushed out and attacked the soldiers. Those
who tried to attack Caesar were kicked in the chest by the
horse's hooves.
set a command for the soldiers to stop fighting. The Amazons
were prepared for any sudden movements.
When I set my eyes on something, I get it no matter what. No
man, woman, or god can stop me from getting what is rightfully
Rome's!" Caesar declared. "I have captured 3 of your
young Amazons. For now, they are alive and well. If you do not
want me to have them prepared to fight to the death on the
arena, then you will
give me what I want. I want this land. I want Zia. Bring her to
me and I will return your Amazons. You have three days.”
and his band rode back to the bulk of his army.

Great Destroyer shook her head irritably. "Go away, just go
away!" she hissed angrily. She didn't have time to think
about the implications of her premonition. She didn't want think
about the implications. All that mattered now was Dolphinea was
she moaned in emotional agony. "NO!" she
seethed, and slammed her fist into a nearby tree.
paced the hut Dolphinea's body had been laid out in, lost in
what was more than thought, but which she refused to call
emotion. There was no pain. Yet there was so much. It made no
sense. None of it made any sense.
was a Queen," she whispered, almost awed as she
lowered herself gracelessly to the dirt floor. "Queen's
don't...it just doesn't..." She tossed her head and stared
at the ceiling defiantly.
had been stupid. She'd gone out there and played the hero. The
stupid didn't survive. It was the first thing her mentor had
taught Medea. Only stupid soldiers lost their heads. 'Play it
smart and look out for number one.’ That was how you made it
out of a battle. That was how a Queen fought. That was how
survivors fought!
idiotic wretch....look what you've done to yourself," the
blonde spat, flinching at the bite of her own words. She dropped
her gaze and bit her lip regretfully. It was as if the Highland
Queen could hear her somehow, even if she was no longer
breathing. Medea stood and leaned over the table where the Queen
lay, staring with vacant eyes into a distant emptiness the
living couldn't see.
were supposed to unite the tribes together,
Dolphinea," Medea sighed in a long-suffering manner.
"I can't look after your mangy mongrels...you Highlanders
reek of musty furs, y'know that?”
stared at the lifeless body. “It wasn't supposed to be like
this. We were supposed to work alongside each other and make
rude comments about the starchy Teloans, remember? We promised
to remain surly and sarcastic no matter what. And we would've
done it too, because we would have had one another to keep us
from becoming too civilized. How the Hades am I supposed to do
that when you've gone and gotten yourself killed? I might as
well go slip into one of those awful Teloq robes now! I sure
can't make fun of them anymore. It's hard to make comments to
the freaks we have running around here, none of them understand
people like us. You and I...we're a dying breed of Queen. They
can't comprehend the way we work. None of the women around
here—Dali zi, Dolphinea, you were supposed to be my
FRIEND!" The Queen finally hollered at the top of her
lungs, glaring down at her deceased colleague as if the woman
might sit up and defend herself.
of course, didn't.
hands shook with rage as she ripped a hanging from the wall and
draped it over her deceased friend. This was no time to lose her
head. She could NOT lose her cool at a time like this.
stupid Highlander," she sniffed, whipping herself away from
the corpse. "You stupid, spirited, glorious
sister closed her eyes for only a second to stop the convulsing
in her throat then left the tent with a cool, firm mask in
place. There were things to be arranged. She could think about
all this later. Much, much later.
Celosia could only see me now...

only Medea knew that Samsara felt the same thing, only more so,
because she could have prevented it. She gazed at the dent she
made in the tree she punched, standing rigid.
she saw the premonition of Zia awaiting a fight in the coliseum,
she also saw a flash of Dolphinea running to her death. She
shook the thought off - Dolphinea couldn't possibly be that
foolish! She had thought that it was just her mind playing
hound walked out of the protection of the brush and sat on his
haunches. He looked up at his mistress and she knew that she had
to do something to defend her sisters. The initial offensive was
over. Now it was time for the fireworks.