Rules for Joining
1) To join, you must be female. Currently, Themiscrya is an all-female tribe comprised of ladies from different walks of life. Our community is not only about writing and having fun, but about female empowerment. Our intent is to provide an environment where we can role-play Amazonian stories and discuss feminine subjects without reproach.
2) To join, you must provide an email address in the application. The email you list must work. Once you receive a reply, you must reply to that email before you can be accepted.
3) To join, you must be 16 (sixteen) years of age or older. We apologize if this offends anybody, but some of the topics are of a sensitive and adult nature. Please specify your age when you send your application to join. Please be honest about your age, as deception about your age can result in membership suspension or expulsion from the tribe.

Rules for Participation
Basic Amazon Rules (All Members)
1) You must behave with honor toward yourself, other Amazons, and Themiscyra.
If there is any confusion about this, please ask direct questions for clarification.
2) Staying connected is a key requirement for active membership, so you must have and maintain a valid e-mail address.
Our community offers multiple ways to engage with members. Themiscyra has tribe forums as well as a Discord server. Additionally, members chat on Skype and thru Themiscyra's Facebook group. You aren't required to join every platform, but we do prefer you to have an active e-mail address you check regularly and can receive emails from us.
3) Every effort is made to inform you of our membership rules, website updates/changes, and scheduled tribe community events. Please ask questions if you are confused about any of the rules, or have a concern about any of our rules.
RPF Amazon Rules
Role-playing is not a requirement for active membership. (This was a requirement in the past).
At this time, there are TWO platforms our community offers for role-playing.
The original platform is our forums, currently hosted by Tapatalk. (We've had multiple forum hosts providers through our history. Tapatalk is our forum host provider and also purchased our tribe's original host "net54", so we have TWO Tapatalk platforms).
The new second platform is at our Chakram Inn channel on Themiscyra's server on Discord. (Only members of Themiscyra are invited to join our Discord server. And only Themiscyrans are permitted to post on our Discord channels, including the Chakram Inn role-playing channel).
Themiscyra's RP Rules on our Tapatalk Forums
Themiscyra strives to create a RESPECTFUL, ENGAGING, and FUN RP’ing environment for all members in our community. Participation rules for role-playing on the forums can be found inside Themiscyra's Forums on the Training Grounds board under "Tavoto Menuma".
NOTICE: The Tavita Istoria Role-Playing Forum has been "re-set". This means there is an entirely NEW Themiscyran storyline, set apart from the herstory (or history) of the tribe's RPF. Returning Themiscyrans: We hope you will be inspired by this change and feel re-invigorated by all of the new possibilities for your character and for engaging with others' characters.
1) In Themiscyra's Tapatalk Forums, you'll find several RP boards you can write/post. We encourage you to read the interesting stories shared by our members. You do not need to post in every open RP board, but you're also not excluded from doing so.
2) If you choose to write a post for the RP, please refer to the rules on the Training Grounds board. There is a plethora of information available to you there, designed to help you enjoy collaborating on the Amazon stories.
3) It's unlikely any RP poster will write something in the RP to deliberately cause you harm, but if you do find something offensive in an RP post, please resist defaulting to a defensive viewpoint. You can address the poster directly in a Private Message or ask for assistance from a forum moderator.
***Above all, we want you to have fun and become inspired by becoming inspiring! Writing is work, for sure, but if it’s work you ENJOY- then that joy will be felt by any Amazon reading your work. Be kind and be creative.
Themiscyra's Chat Rules
1) You'll find there are many chat boards on which you can post. We encourage you to talk to your Amazon sisters. Learn. Share. Answer a question. Topics in Themiscyra chats can be varied and numerous. We advocate for respectful exchanges of opinions. Posts that do not respect other Amazons will be removed without warning.
2) You do not need to post in every chat forum. We require your participation to help us keep our community thriving, but you can choose which chat forums you post. Themiscyra members are even allowed to post polls, pictures, videos, gifs, etc., so there are NUMEROUS ways you can participate and share in the tribe.
3) Please DO NOT GHOST the community. Themiscyra understands that life will throw unexpected things that draw you away from actively participating and keeping in touch. But we strongly discourage you from disconnecting yourself from the community without telling us you need to take a leave of absence. This is a Sisterhood of members who care for and care about each other. If you're going through something and you don't wish to talk about it with any of us, then please ask for an LOA or ask to be retired from the group! Ghosting is traumatizing and disrespectful to by the ghost and the ghosted.
4) Amazons may go on LOA (Leave of Absence) by sending an e-mail request to the Latra or the Lyna. Please see more information below about LOA.
Leave of Absences
To be a thriving tribe, Themiscyra asks for participation from all members of the tribe.
All that is required of you to is to e-mail the Latra or Lyna and notify her of your need for an LOA. You may include some details or indicate how long you will be "away" from the tribe and the RPF.
1) Extended Leave of Absences shall be considered anything greater than 6 months. After 6 months' time, you may receive a friendly e-mail to check in on you and remind you that you've been on LOA a long time. So, we'll ask if you're planning to return to Themiscyra. We encourage you to respond to this email, because no response will be interpreted as abandonment of your membership. At that time, your membership will be retired. You may or may not be accepted if you re-apply. This policy is intended to be both fair to you and fair to your sister Amazons. beWe want to foster an active membership, so please use your common sense and consideration when asking for an LOA or returning from LOA.
2) If you choose to retire from the tribe following your LOA, we will do our best to follow your wishes regarding the handling of your RP character. If you choose to take your character with you, we will do our utmost to give you whatever exit you envision for your character. If you choose to leave your RP character with us (or are retired automatically for non-participation), we will continue to treat your character with the respect it deserves. Any non-player-character you created will revert to the tribe as a whole.
You are creatively entitled to your character and her history. However, any stories you created while in Themiscyra will remain Themiscryan property. They were built for and with others, and are not solely your own anymore. See the disclaimer at the top of this page for more information.

Joining the Tribe
We are honored by your interest in becoming part of the Themiscrya Amazon Tribe!
Please answer the pink questions below. You can use the suggestions in white to share a little detail with us. You don't need to answer every question, of course. But the more we know, the quicker a decision can be made about your application!
To join our Tribe, please email your answers to all of the following questions:
The rest of the questions are not required, but can go a long way to getting your application approved quickly. The more information now, the better!
- Do you have an Amazon name yet? Please tell us if you need time to think of an Amazon name. You are NOT required to have one at this time. All members, regardless of group, should have an Amazon name.
- Why do you want to join? When did you first become interested in Amazons? Reading about Amazons? Watching Xena, Warrior Princess? Role Playing games? History itself? Do you just like to write? Just looking for a community of strong women?
- Do you consider yourself an Amazon? What about Amazons interests you? When did you start learning about them? What do you think makes a good Amazon?
- Have you explored our website, the areas that you can access? Did you visit the Training Ground or Ria Istoria? What did you like about the site? What did you think could be improved? What impressed you the most? What didn't? Who are you looking forward to getting to know?
- How did you find out about Themiscyra? Did someone tell you about us? Do you know a current member? Did you follow a link from another website? Were you just surfing?
- Who am I? Tell us about where you're from, your family, your friends or any other kind of personal information that you'd be comfortable sharing. We like to know who we're talking to!
If you have already created a name and biography of your Amazon character, you can include it. However, it is NOT required at this time. We will help you create your Amazon persona once your application is approved.
When submitting your application, please use correct grammar and spelling. Put your best foot forward!
Send your join request to: Queen Deoris

Are you a retired Amazon? You can reapply!
- Required - You must still answer all the required questions above.
- Required - Tell us why you want to return. What makes now better for you than before?
- Required - You must tell us your former name. You will still be role-playing this character. If that character doesn't suit you anymore, you may explain why you wish to play a 'fresh' character
(BANNED Amazon members may never return to the tribe - NO exceptions!)

After Applying
Our Latra (Queen) Deoris or Lyna (Regent) Jadea will contact you. She may ask you for more information or to provide a sample of your writing. She may simply inform you that you have been approved to join the tribe. This is the first step on your journey to joining our tribe.
Name: Before you can post in Themiscyra's Forums, you will need to choose an Amazon name for yourself. Please DO NOT choose a name from the show (i.e. Gabrielle, Velasca, Ephiny, etc.). Or any famous historical name. THESE NAMES ARE INSTANTLY REFUSED! There are ideas on choosing names at the Training Ground.
Biography: You will need to create a bio for your Amazon character. This bio can include some history of your life before Themiscyra, or your life in Themiscyra if you choose to have been born among us. You can choose to read some of the RP story for inspiration on your bio.
Please be as creative as you can be. Be original! Choose something unique for yourself.
At this time, we are open to family relationships and other ties to Zeus, Ares, Artemis, Xena and Gabrielle, Hercules and Iolaus and any other Xena character, God or Goddess, or anyone of an important historical nature. However, your choice of connection to any specific character may be denied if it is in direct contradiction to a current member's relationship status. For example, Jadea (a current and active member) is the sister of Callisto. And it was established in the XWP series that Callisto had only one sister. Therefore, you cannot join Themiscyra and proclaim to be Callisto's sister. Likewise, if a current member proclaims to be Ares' illegitimate daughter by a temple priestess- your bio of being Ares' daughter may be rejected. We're not trying to stifle your creativity, we're encouraging it by asking you to think uniquely. This effort is meant to prevent us from having so many daughters of Ares or half-siblings of Hercules or so on and so forth.
More information on what will happen after you apply/join can be found at the Training Ground forum.
After your membership is approved, you will be able to join the forums at that time. You will be announced officially to the tribe in the Tamboo (party/celebration) forum. Our Amazons LOVE to meet new members!
"To a STRONG Amazon Nation!" - Quoted from Xena Warrior Princess, episode "To Helicon and Back"
Last Updated: 7/2021