The Secret Wish

Artemis, the Great Goddess of the Hunt and patron Goddess of
the Amazons, wasn't known for granting wishes. But every once in
a grand moon, she would fulfill a wish without any strings or
hidden catches attached. The night before Themiscyra was to
celebrate its anniversary, Artemis watched with godly powers and
observed her most intriguing Amazon ally - Jadea, Sorceress
Uncharacteristically sullen, Jadea was on this night sulking
in a chair outside of her own hut. She watched the various guard
change and let her thoughts meander around from areas of concern
to areas of wonder and inevitably back to the very reason she
felt sullen: longing.
Artemis wasn't the only divine being to discern the mood
Jadea was currently stuck within. She was, however, the only one
who cared enough to intervene. And after the third hour of
observing the goings on in Themiscyra and the utter lack of
Jadea's initiative to join in the celebratory spirit, Artemis
decided to pay her Amazon village a little visit.
The Sorceress Empress intuitively sensed the arrival of an
Olympian and she quietly straightened her posture and honed her
powers to detect which one had just entered her territory.
Artemis smirked ever so proudly to herself; for she knew Jadea
was unable to yet see her mortal form but would identify her
without sight, anyway. After several passing moments, Jadea
visibly relaxed, though her mood hadn't altered much beyond
feeling the slightest degree of relief that she needn't prepare
herself for a battle.
"Artemis, what cause brings you to Themiscyra at this
hour?" Jadea spoke the question with a moderate tone of
respect and humor. She was unlike any of Artemis' other Amazons,
but always the same as them as well.
The hour was indeed late and the night indeed dark beneath
Themiscyra's forest. Truly, only occasional slivers of the full
moon's light cast down onto the Amazon lands, though whether
that was all natural or supernatural is anyone's guess.
When Artemis answered, she allowed her presence to shimmer
into Jadea's view so that her voice promptly preceded her
appearance. "Tomorrow is important to all Themiscyra and so
it should be to me as well," the Goddess replied and denied
Jadea the time to retort anything. "Why so sullen on the
eve of the anniversary your tribe came here?"
Jadea signed. Audibly. This act and the manner in which she
so exposed herself quite surprised Artemis, but the Goddess
waited patiently for an answer.
Jadea's sign was very similar to another's in her family, and
it was only out of curiosity that Jadea asked Artemis her next
question. "Do you really care, or are you here out of
boredom or sport?"
For both the first and last time, the Sorceress Empress
unknowingly and unintentionally stung the pride of the Great
Goddess of the Hunt. Artemis resisted all her godly impulses to
react and instead responded as though she were Jadea's equal.
"For all of your pretenses, problems, and protective
tendencies, I can still see your heart. And it is pure Amazon
with a spirit to match. Ever since Celosia and you forged your
friendship, you-"
At the very mention of Celosia's name, a readable light came
into Jadea's eyes. Artemis had the first clue to her answer.
"You have crafted yourself a home and family after yours
were taken from you. I've watched the trials Themiscyra has
overcome, and I am proud of all my Amazons. All around I've seen
the eager and anxious hearts who want to celebrate. Why aren't
you one of them?"
Perhaps it was Artemis' earnest answer to Jadea's question.
Maybe it was her mention of Celosia, the Amazon Queen
responsible for Jadea's first reign in Themiscyra. Or perhaps…yes,
perhaps it can be reasoned that it was just the right night.
For, rather than evade Artemis' question or confront her with
opposition, Jadea instead told the truth in its simplest form.
"I miss Celosia and all the Amazons I've ever lost. And
I've tried to muster enthusiasm for this anniversary feast, but
my heart is longing to see so many of my Amazon Sisters….I
want them to be here together and to see what we've become. I
want them to share each other's stories and laugh about the
That's when the emotion truly struck Jadea. She spent most of
her time concealing her true intentions and the secrets and
powers she held. And now here she was sitting with the Goddess
of Amazons and confessing the one wish she had and couldn't
obtain. Jadea was powerless to bring all her Amazon kindred
together, and she greatly wished to be in their company.
"If only I could bring all Themiscyran Sisters together
to celebrate our anniversary as the strong, united family we
are. And I'd hope to count our Sister Tribes among our guests,
but if they couldn't- well, then maybe I'd summon their presence
in dreams. If we could know one opportunity to see and hear and
touch and share them all." Jadea stopped, a slight smile
forming her lips as her mind penetrated the amazing wonder that
this wish brought. She momentarily added, "That'd be
something worth celebrating."
Perhaps it was what Jadea said or the tone in which she said
it. Maybe it was the look in her distinctive eyes or expression
on her face. Perhaps it was the rare beauty of her vulnerability…or
maybe just maybe it was the right night. Whatever the reason,
Artemis made a decision.
Artemis never expressed her pride for Jadea's deeds or words
on behalf of the Amazon Nation. She wasn't one to do such
things, but on the eve of Themiscyra's anniversary…Artemis
made the ultimate gesture of showing her pride and love of
Themiscyra. She granted Jadea's wish.
The following morning, Jadea found herself surprisingly
awakened by the distinguishable voice and manner of her former
Queen: Celosia. Not far behind her was Medea, wearing something
of a tipsy smirk in her eyes. "Wake up you ol' bat or I'll
polish off the wine myself." Medea was certainly an
incomparable and incurable character. Jadea refocused her eyes
and realized she was staring at Celosia in her regal attire.
"I called for you three times, Jadea. It's never taken
me more than two to capture your attention. What's keeping you
in bed?"
Jadea blinked a few times and discovered that her vision
wasn't changing and she was indeed seeing Celosia and Medea in
her hut. She made an apologetic excuse and allowed herself to be
lead out of her hut and straight to the center of the village…where
she was greeted with cheers, smiles, laughter, and a forest
village filled with Sisters from afar and near. None of them
knew and none questioned how they came to be there. All they
needed to know is they were home and they were loved.
"It's about time," Deoris told Jadea as she clasped
her Sister's arm. "We thought you'd never wake up to join
"Wouldn't miss this for the world," Jadea smiled
and joined the morning feast.
Artemis blessed Themiscyra and smiled. |