About Our Tribe Called Themiscyra
Themiscrya is an all-female sisterhood tribe of Amazons set in an on-line writing community. Members are comprised of different walks of life in different nations.
We value honor, strength of character, and the right to choose our own paths through this world.
In our forums, we role-play lives based on the television series "Xena: Warrior Princess", "Hercules, The Legendary Journeys" and "Young Hercules". We also draw heavily on history, maps, legends, and lore about Amazons.
In the Winter Solstice of 2018, we "re-set" our RPF to establish a brand new origin story for our Amazon characters and the village of Themiscrya. In this alternate time-line, we create and explore new opportunities for Amazon stories, backgrounds, adventure, and dynamics.
Please click on the links to view the new Training Grounds and Ranks pages.
Please click here to read Themiscyra's new Codes of Honor page.

In Themiscyra...
We value honor and strength of character and have banished members from our tribe for acting in a manner that is untrustworthy and false. This can be as simple as lying about your age when joining the tribe, or as complex as challenging the decisions of the Queen. Themiscyra Amazons encourage free thought and expression of self, unless those expressions cause harm to the unity of the tribe.
Themiscrya was founded by Queen Celosia in November of 1999. Since then, each Queen has chosen her successor for her dedication to Themiscrya and to the Amazon way. There have been four Queens: Celosia, Jadea, Valkyra and Deoris. Our current 'oldest' active member is Queen Deoris, who has been in the tribe since January 2000.
Our Amazons are in this for the long-haul. We originated as and remain a Xena:Warrior Princess fan-site. However, Themiscyra's community is also built of fans of the Amazon lifestyle as well as fans of shows that brought the Amazonian lifestyle into the mainstream consciousness.
If you value honor and honesty, community and caring, fun and adventure and long for those lost days of the Amazon - Themiscrya is the place for you.
You can find out our current membership requirements on the JOIN page.

Spelling Themiscyra
There are several different spellings used in historical references. On our website, we try to incorporate them all. Themiscyra, Themiscrya, Themiskyra, Themiskrya...varied spellings for the same tribe, basically.
(This is a condensed page of our history. If you have deeper interest in how our story began and evolved, please feel free to e-mail us and ask).